- Nov 29, 2011
- 2
We have two PSVs protecting the same high pressure steam line at same time. Both have a iso valve in front of and they are locked open. Set pressures of them are staggered, meaning one is at 810psig (design pressure of the line), and one is at 850psig. We don't want to set them at same pressure because they would fight against each one when the pressure is close the MAWP.As per the codes (B31.3 para 322.6.3, which refers to VIII-1), allows the additional PSV's pressure set at higher than MAWP(design pressure for piping) as long as <105% MAWP and the first PSV is <=MAWP). So our settig is OK. Both PSVs have sufficient capacity to relief the line by each self. The reason we have two is to avoid shutting steam line down when the lower PSV lifted and not reseat, we can close its iso valve and only using the second PSV for a short period, while we are sending out the 1st PSV for service or installing a spare PSV. My question is in that case we will only have one PSV w/ higher than design pressure setting, is that allowaled? My understanding is YES as per B31.3 para 322.6.3 (b)(1) allows this with limit:"(1) With the owner’s approval the set pressure may exceed the limits in Section VIII, Division 1, provided that the limit on maximum relieving pressure stated in (c) below will not be exceeded". But I'd like to hear your option or experience with this situaiton.