- Sep 25, 2012
- 42
Hi Guys,
I have the following code:
Comes up with error: "Compile Error: Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic" on the "GetBackgroundColor" and "PutBackgroundColor" code.
I'm not doing this via catscript, but the normal Visual Basic window.
Anyone got any ideas or another solution?
Version V5R18.
I have the following code:
Dim objViewer3D As Viewer3D
Dim objCamera3D As Camera3D
Set MainDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set objCamera3D = MainDocument.Cameras.Item(1)
objViewer3D.Viewpoint3D = objCamera3D.Viewpoint3D
Dim DBLBackArray(2)
objViewer3D.GetBackgroundColor DBLBackArray
Dim dblWhiteArray(2)
dblWhiteArray(0) = 1
dblWhiteArray(1) = 1
dblWhiteArray(2) = 1
objViewer3D.PutBackgroundColor dblWhiteArray
Comes up with error: "Compile Error: Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic" on the "GetBackgroundColor" and "PutBackgroundColor" code.
I'm not doing this via catscript, but the normal Visual Basic window.
Anyone got any ideas or another solution?
Version V5R18.