- Feb 27, 2016
- 3
We are trying to design a smaller reservoir siphon to replace a 12" ID siphon that flows much higher than is desired on this site. The siphon works well and is HDPE fusion pipe and we intend to use the same design and material that currently works but in a smaller pipe size but am not sure I am calculating the projected flow right for 6" and 8" inside diameter HDPE. The inflow elevation to the high water line is 10 feet and inflow pipe length to center of dam (highest point) is 83 feet. the discharge is 28 feet below the high water line and the length of discharge from highpoint at dam center is 102 feet to the gate valve. There is then 20 feet of pipe past the gate valve for a total pipe length 205 feet. I am struggling to calculate the flow on the 6" and 8" pipe sizes. Can anyone help? Thanks