- Apr 19, 2001
- 260
The Skirt Allowable Stress.
I have another unpleasant experience with PVE lite and the support team working recently.
The case number is 00196823. If you are interested, please go to PPM Smart Community (you shall be a listened PVE Lite user). This may help you to understand what the after-sale service provided by PVE Lite support team is currently.
Please allow me simply to state the case 00196823 here and welcome all to comment.
Subject (revised): The skirt allowable stress shall be in accordance with AISC or equivalent, not ASME pressure vessel code.
The answered from the development engineer:
I agree that the allowable skirt stress could be based on design rules from AISC or equivalent. However, to the best of my knowledge, the general expectation from the vast majority of users, Notified Bodies etc. is to use the ASME or Code based computed allowable stress.
I replied:
PVE is to selectively treat customer requests according to the size the customer (the majority of users). There is discrimination against small companies.
For engineering design and technical issues, the requirements from major customers go beyond the engineering design principles themselves.
This approach discards the respect for those users from small companies and also goes against engineering design principles and professional ethics.
The Manager of Support team:
Requested the justification from a published document, interpretation based on research, adopted in practice etc.
I replied:
I showed up the Pressure Vessel Handbook (10th Ed) Eugene F. Megyesy that indicate the skirt allowable stress shall be for structural purpose.
And I asked the manager, what is the justification that PVE Lite uses the pressure vessel code allowable stress for the skirt? Any reliable justification from a published document, interpretation based on research (have had no answer till now from the support team)
The Manager of Support team:
He requested me to explain the allowable request of the Pressure Vessel Handbook and said that I think this case is done and requires no further discussion unless more data is provided or found.
I replied:
I really don’t understand what are the ‘more data’ you’re required. As you required, I already showed you the Pressure Vessel Handbook (10th Ed) Eugene F. Megyesy that state to use structural allowable stress for the skirt design, which is the published and widely used in the industry. Even if I don’t think that is necessary because that is a normal sense that structure design shall be as per a structural code and pressure vessel design as per pressure vessel code.
The manager of support team:
PV Elite Support and Dev are not in the capacity to change what is accepted in the industry.
I replied,
You are like saying that all errors/mistakes in PVE Lite are accepted in industry because PVE Lite has used in industry. The material allowable stresses shall be from the relative design codes rather than the vast majority of users, Notified Bodies.
The manager of support team,
If you wish to use AISC you will have to do a separate analysis. If you have evidence that this becomes accepted in industry we'd be happy to consider.
I replied,
I think that you may not know about the G-2 Supports Consideration in the code. You have been doing nothing on the study and research for it since the customer revealed this mistake to you. And instead of that, you keep asking customer to do this for you for free. You are extracting your customers' labor and technical resources for your business software for free. You are too much to request the customer to give you an evidence that this becomes accepted in industry. But also you have no any evidence that the skirt allowable stress used in PVE Lite accepted in industry except the software has used in industry.
Note: the case already closed by the namager without any further reply. PVE Lite has still used pressure vessel code allowable stress for the skirt.
PS: ASME Sec VIII Div 1 - Nonmandatory Appendix -G
The details of supports should conform to good structural practice, bearing in mind the following items (see Manual for Steel Construction, latest edition, by the American Institute of Steel Construction).
The skirt support design and allowable stress shall be as per AISC that confirmed by Appendix-G.
I have another unpleasant experience with PVE lite and the support team working recently.
The case number is 00196823. If you are interested, please go to PPM Smart Community (you shall be a listened PVE Lite user). This may help you to understand what the after-sale service provided by PVE Lite support team is currently.
Please allow me simply to state the case 00196823 here and welcome all to comment.
Subject (revised): The skirt allowable stress shall be in accordance with AISC or equivalent, not ASME pressure vessel code.
The answered from the development engineer:
I agree that the allowable skirt stress could be based on design rules from AISC or equivalent. However, to the best of my knowledge, the general expectation from the vast majority of users, Notified Bodies etc. is to use the ASME or Code based computed allowable stress.
I replied:
PVE is to selectively treat customer requests according to the size the customer (the majority of users). There is discrimination against small companies.
For engineering design and technical issues, the requirements from major customers go beyond the engineering design principles themselves.
This approach discards the respect for those users from small companies and also goes against engineering design principles and professional ethics.
The Manager of Support team:
Requested the justification from a published document, interpretation based on research, adopted in practice etc.
I replied:
I showed up the Pressure Vessel Handbook (10th Ed) Eugene F. Megyesy that indicate the skirt allowable stress shall be for structural purpose.
And I asked the manager, what is the justification that PVE Lite uses the pressure vessel code allowable stress for the skirt? Any reliable justification from a published document, interpretation based on research (have had no answer till now from the support team)
The Manager of Support team:
He requested me to explain the allowable request of the Pressure Vessel Handbook and said that I think this case is done and requires no further discussion unless more data is provided or found.
I replied:
I really don’t understand what are the ‘more data’ you’re required. As you required, I already showed you the Pressure Vessel Handbook (10th Ed) Eugene F. Megyesy that state to use structural allowable stress for the skirt design, which is the published and widely used in the industry. Even if I don’t think that is necessary because that is a normal sense that structure design shall be as per a structural code and pressure vessel design as per pressure vessel code.
The manager of support team:
PV Elite Support and Dev are not in the capacity to change what is accepted in the industry.
I replied,
You are like saying that all errors/mistakes in PVE Lite are accepted in industry because PVE Lite has used in industry. The material allowable stresses shall be from the relative design codes rather than the vast majority of users, Notified Bodies.
The manager of support team,
If you wish to use AISC you will have to do a separate analysis. If you have evidence that this becomes accepted in industry we'd be happy to consider.
I replied,
I think that you may not know about the G-2 Supports Consideration in the code. You have been doing nothing on the study and research for it since the customer revealed this mistake to you. And instead of that, you keep asking customer to do this for you for free. You are extracting your customers' labor and technical resources for your business software for free. You are too much to request the customer to give you an evidence that this becomes accepted in industry. But also you have no any evidence that the skirt allowable stress used in PVE Lite accepted in industry except the software has used in industry.
Note: the case already closed by the namager without any further reply. PVE Lite has still used pressure vessel code allowable stress for the skirt.
PS: ASME Sec VIII Div 1 - Nonmandatory Appendix -G
The details of supports should conform to good structural practice, bearing in mind the following items (see Manual for Steel Construction, latest edition, by the American Institute of Steel Construction).
The skirt support design and allowable stress shall be as per AISC that confirmed by Appendix-G.