- Jun 21, 2018
- 58
I've had cause to use a couple of small contactors with timer blocks fitted to the top. I'm talking here 3 phase contactors with the main contacts rated at about 10A. The operating coil on the contactor is 24Vdc.
At FAT with a bench supply of closer 27Vdc and enough amps to run an arc welder the contactors pulled in nicely. Onto the site where the supply was a little more delicate and at 22V with 2A available the contactors would not pull in. 22V at 2A is still a handful of power to operate a small contactor but without human aid it wasn't going anywhere. 22V is well within spec and I believe the contactors were 5VA so well in.
What we found was that there an amazing amount of stiction in the contactor operation where to operate the contactor you really had to push hard on the top of the armature to get it to pull in. Once in the armature would sit happily on the yoke and if required release.
We dumped this particular manufacturer and opted for another. Again some stiction but no where near as much as the one that came out of the green and white box.
Homework question - is there supposed to be a lot of stiction in a DC contactor.
I've had cause to use a couple of small contactors with timer blocks fitted to the top. I'm talking here 3 phase contactors with the main contacts rated at about 10A. The operating coil on the contactor is 24Vdc.
At FAT with a bench supply of closer 27Vdc and enough amps to run an arc welder the contactors pulled in nicely. Onto the site where the supply was a little more delicate and at 22V with 2A available the contactors would not pull in. 22V at 2A is still a handful of power to operate a small contactor but without human aid it wasn't going anywhere. 22V is well within spec and I believe the contactors were 5VA so well in.
What we found was that there an amazing amount of stiction in the contactor operation where to operate the contactor you really had to push hard on the top of the armature to get it to pull in. Once in the armature would sit happily on the yoke and if required release.
We dumped this particular manufacturer and opted for another. Again some stiction but no where near as much as the one that came out of the green and white box.
Homework question - is there supposed to be a lot of stiction in a DC contactor.