I want to do a solidorks add-in showing a toolbar in VB, with the new interfase SWaddin and the command addtoolbar3.
But I've some problems with the function addtoolbar3 and addtoolbarcommand.I don't know how to get handles of bitmaps(addtoolbar3),and how to put the name of my callbackfunction(addToolbarCommand).
Is Someone who can send a bit of code in order to help a poor guy working during hollidays to pay his studies....
I want to do a solidorks add-in showing a toolbar in VB, with the new interfase SWaddin and the command addtoolbar3.
But I've some problems with the function addtoolbar3 and addtoolbarcommand.I don't know how to get handles of bitmaps(addtoolbar3),and how to put the name of my callbackfunction(addToolbarCommand).
Is Someone who can send a bit of code in order to help a poor guy working during hollidays to pay his studies....