- Nov 2, 2012
- 15
Hello everybody
I want ABAQUS produces only ".msg" files after running models. I'm running a lot of models by a batch file and you know I need just msg files not other files and some of them will occupy too much space like odb files which lead me to some trouble. I'm using a code like this How can modify it? Any help or suggestion greatly appreciated.
echo off
set /p counter=Enter your first file number: %=%
set /p endFiNu=Enter your last file number: %=%
IF %counter% gtr %endFiNu% GOTO END
echo File Number: %counter%
call abaqus j=%counter% memory="8000" cpus=7 -seq
SET /a counter=%counter%+1
I want ABAQUS produces only ".msg" files after running models. I'm running a lot of models by a batch file and you know I need just msg files not other files and some of them will occupy too much space like odb files which lead me to some trouble. I'm using a code like this How can modify it? Any help or suggestion greatly appreciated.
echo off
set /p counter=Enter your first file number: %=%
set /p endFiNu=Enter your last file number: %=%
IF %counter% gtr %endFiNu% GOTO END
echo File Number: %counter%
call abaqus j=%counter% memory="8000" cpus=7 -seq
SET /a counter=%counter%+1