- Jun 26, 2019
- 13
The firm I work for has always designed our own connections, we don't delegate to other firms, and as such we've got a pretty good library of connection details. On a recent project, we used a detail that we have used selectively for 20 years... an all-welded ST connection that is intended for short, shallow beam connections with loads too high to develop into bolts. In this case we were using an ST5x17.5 with 3/8" fillet welds at the supporting and supported member. Don't ask why we used this connection or suggest alternate connections, that is not the point of this post.
Where we got a surprise was when we got a call from the fabricator and he said that he couldn't fit the size of weld we had specified on the stem of the ST to the supported beam. He said that the stem of the ST5x17 actually tapers from the "k" region down to the end of the stem, where it measured between 1/4" and 5/16" thick, limiting the size of fillet weld to 1/4" thick. The AISC Manual lists the stem thickness of member as being 0.594" and doesn't say anything at all about the stem tapering.
We reached out to several special inspectors we've used in the past and asked why no one had ever brought this to our attention before. When using this detail, we specify multi-pass welds at the stem, but the stem couldn't have multi-pass welds on it because it isn't thick enough for multi-pass welds. We checked RAM Connection and RISA Connection, they both assume the stem of the ST is a consistent thickness as given in the AISC manual for the design of connections. We even reached out to AISC for comment and haven't heard anything back yet.
Is this common knowledge in the industry? Did I (we) somehow miss the boat on this information? Are the other shapes that don't actually conform with the AISC given dimension and are smaller than what is listed?
This may have been a little rant-y of a post and I apologize for that, the information has opened a can of worms that has just been very dissapointing.
Thank you,
Where we got a surprise was when we got a call from the fabricator and he said that he couldn't fit the size of weld we had specified on the stem of the ST to the supported beam. He said that the stem of the ST5x17 actually tapers from the "k" region down to the end of the stem, where it measured between 1/4" and 5/16" thick, limiting the size of fillet weld to 1/4" thick. The AISC Manual lists the stem thickness of member as being 0.594" and doesn't say anything at all about the stem tapering.
We reached out to several special inspectors we've used in the past and asked why no one had ever brought this to our attention before. When using this detail, we specify multi-pass welds at the stem, but the stem couldn't have multi-pass welds on it because it isn't thick enough for multi-pass welds. We checked RAM Connection and RISA Connection, they both assume the stem of the ST is a consistent thickness as given in the AISC manual for the design of connections. We even reached out to AISC for comment and haven't heard anything back yet.
Is this common knowledge in the industry? Did I (we) somehow miss the boat on this information? Are the other shapes that don't actually conform with the AISC given dimension and are smaller than what is listed?
This may have been a little rant-y of a post and I apologize for that, the information has opened a can of worms that has just been very dissapointing.
Thank you,