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Tachometers 2

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May 21, 2003
People don't often post about solved problems, but here I am. I'm hoping this will be a fun post for the group. I think have solved a problem and struggling to figure out why I had to spend 7 years working on it when it was so obvious at the end. Several years ago, I was trying to solve a problem that had daunted me for years, came up with a solution, and moved on. Since then I've looked back at what I did and wondered "why hasn't anybody ever thought of that before?"

I can't find any patents for the device, and I can't find any articles in journals (IEEE) that I have searched.
Once I settled on the idea, it seemed "obvious" to me which breaks one of the principles of the patent - but then how come nobody does it...?
I'm not really interested in getting a patent - the rigamarole, the cost, and the futility of trying to defend it are all disincentives. But I really do think I should publish about it - if this truly is a unique idea. It would be nice to have a useful article to my credit. It's an idea I would like to share, but I want to find out if it's really a new idea, first. So I'd like to formulate a little test and see if anybody else finds this "obvious" with a few clues and conditions. If I just told you, then any smarty pants can come on and say "yes it's obvious" and publish it for themselves.

I promise to tell the rest of my story but only if there's interest, or if the answer is so obvious that somebody guesses right away. I'm a mechanical engineer with an interest in all engineering disciplines, dabbling in many others, so I could have missed an obvious solution or the one I came up with is indeed obvious and electrical engineers do it all the time (for some reason they don't talk about it?).

First I have a confession to make: I built a wind turbine. (No apologies to those who are offended) I built it out of personal interest but I have been approached by a person who wants to buy one just like it from me. Never considered this a commercial product before, but if I am going to look at it that way, then I need to work on some of the control and safety aspects.

Its design is fairly elaborate but its construction is simple. It has had good performance for many years, but the obvious missing piece of information is how fast it's turning. I needed a tachometer.

Options that I considered: encoder, hall sensors, tach generator, frequency measurements on AC powerline.

Location of the turbine is at the top of the tower, which is stating the obvious. I point it out because that makes adding little finnicky gadgets difficult. To support some types of tachometer, signal wires going up the tower are needed. Some even need their own power supply to work. Sure, I can add little signal wires but it won't be robust. To make it robust would be costly. Slip rings, custom cables, etc. This wind turbine has run well for almost 10 years without a flaw and I would hate to have a thing like a tachometer in it that forces maintenance yearly. Despite the reluctance, I did actually install a hall sensor into it (two for redundancy) and started bench-testing but I got really frustrated with the difficulty of re-designing the mount of the generator itself to accommodate either a slip-ring assembly that would somehow pass small-signal currents without noise of their own.

I resolved to try to build a tachometer that relies only on the AC on the powerlines. However, the turbine is a customized 3-phase generator and the output is rectified to charge batteries. Off-grid stuff. The rotor blades are direct-drive on the generator, with a variable speed. The speed varies from 0 to 150 RPM (charge current cut-in) to about 400 to 500 RPM where the tail's furling mechanism folds everything out of the wind for protection. The AC coming from the turbine is definitely not a sine wave. It's more of a clipped trapezoid with harmonics and noise. The variable speed and DC rectifier switching puts spikes in that vary in intensity at different speeds. There are also flat spots crossing zero that you can see on an oscilloscope. It's a mess. This does not affect the power output of the turbine. Remember, the load is a DC rectifier, so the noise and spikes are inconsequential to power conversion.

I built the obvious thing with a LM2917 IC and tested several variations but they all failed. The 2917 got its input from one of the three AC lines from the generator to the rectifiers. It would pick up the harmonics at certain speeds, the baseline at others. I tried filtering but that was very tricky to get right. I thought I was close but then made a change in the the generator wiring and found myself back at the beginning. I tried an optoisolator and fed the pulses to a microcontroller and got exactly the same thing. The microcontroller could be programmed with some extra code to "guess" the bad data but always discarded huge ranges of records.

When I solved it, I was able to dispense with any filtering at all. I still used a microcontroller, so I was able to build a more elaborate data-logger around it, so I now have current, voltage temperature and a number of other things measured simultaneously. Every second if I want a mountain of data. Sampling and averaging is easy in the microcontroller programs.

So now that I've described my failures trying to solve it, before I had my "great idea", what would you do? Faced with the need for a tachometer, how would you get a good solid signal proportional to the speed of a machine like this?

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Rectified noise is still noisy.
In Spar's application, the noise amplitude at high frequencies may easily by greater than the signal amplitude at low frequencies.

Ohm's law
Not just a good idea;
It's the LAW!
My reasoning was that positive noise goes forwards, and negative noise backwards, similar to this method.
(It's easy for me to think outside the box since I'm not even in it) :)
That's different, you're showing a clipping circuit, designed to reduce the amplitude of anything on Vin to not exceed the power rails by a diode drop, so any noise that's greater than Vdd or less than GND gets clipped to Vdd+Vdiode or GND-Vdiode, and the noise is otherwise intact. This is the standard approach for ESD protection on ICs

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Since my original start of the thread, I've done much more investigation of the signal noise. You were very helpful because you highlighted all of the techniques I had already tried, and motivated me to dig further into why they didn't work. I really didn't do a good job characterizing the problem in my earlier posts, and having looked at it more closely, I can describe it much better now.

My turbine's base AC signal varies from 5Hz to 20 Hz. It's a 4-pole machine whose operating speed ranges from 150RPM to 600RPM.
The first distortion is that the wave isn't really sinusoidal to begin with. The next distortion is the clipping to the battery voltage, which chops the top of the sine wave. The clipping is done by a rectifier switching on and off, which introduces a variable current load on the circuit. Various terms for this, such as "commutation" or "switching" spike but these might not be good expressions for what's going on. Given that the system is 3-phase rectified, there is a 3f harmonic associated with the variable current load.

The process I used to convert the induction motor into a self-excited generator (by fastening magnets to the rotor) introduces a "slot harmonic" which ripples every N slots of the stator. This motor has 36 slots and 4 poles so the ripple is 18f harmonic. Physically this is experienced as "cogging" that you can feel turning the shaft by hand. The amplitude of this ripple is determined by the inertia of the whole system. A bare shaft turned by hand has very little inertia so the 18f harmonic is huge. Once I fasten the driving rotor to the shaft the system inertia keeps the rotational speed more steady, but the 18f doesn't really go away.

The magnets are also the reason the baseline AC wave isn't a sine. The picture below illustrates one condition at one speed (about 200RPM). The waveform changes significantly at different speeds.

I have also been able to model this noisy system. With this in mind, and referring back to the 5Hz to 20Hz operating range of frequencies, selecting a low-pass filter becomes a deep compromise. I was pleased to find a way to program the microcontroller using a method that completely ignores the noise instead. There are now no noise filters on the tachometer's inputs, nor any device like an encoder needed.


What comes to mind now is the INTEGRATOR part of the fuel injection closed loop system on the IC engine. Just like the O2 sensor works around a 0.45V DC offset as it's baseline, is there a way to apply a DC offset to your signal, then use some sort of INTEGRATION code to measure the area above and below your DC offset baseline, and thereby detect the switching point from positive to negative, with respect to your DC offset? If this is how you're determining your rpm, I would say yes, it is already common knowlwedge and used far and wide on nearly every modern IC engine.

I'm not a very experienced engineer but from what I know and based on your image, just gonna throw my ideas, I can think of 2 simple things (I don't think anyone mentioned it but if otherwise sorry).

1) Wouldn't a Y-delta transformer clean out the triplens harmonic ? so you would get a clean fundamental out of the transformer and from that using some conventional method to determine the frequency.

2) Since you have access to the neutral voltage and it is not the same as the ground (battery ground) so you could measure a neutral-ground voltage and use it to clean your raw input from the generator by subtraction (or other filtering technique) ?

and I lied and just thought of another idea. Using neutral ground voltage (so the triplen harmonic) to determine frequency and then dividing it by 3 to get the speed of your motor ?

The problem is not harmonics as much as generated noise. As I understand it, Spar is using the healthy (well above zero) portion of one phase to permit one zero crossing signal from the following phase.
Did I get that right, SparWeb?

Ohm's law
Not just a good idea;
It's the LAW!
Yes, that's about right, Bill.

I did something like that, once, but the point of smoothing harmonics is to generate a tachometer signal, not deal with power conversion issues. If I cared about power conversion inefficiency, then 3-phase transformers like the variety you mention could be useful.
True enough that the neutral is not grounded, but it's even wackier than the line signals. It's similar, but the vector has 1/2 the base component, and 1x the distortions.

Here's a completely different approach:

1) You have 1 permanent-magnet motor of completely unspecified size or type, except that it has multiple phases.
2) The motor is turned by a variable torque that you do not regulate.
3) The motor generates electricity because it's being forced to turn and the magnets self-excite the field.
4) The power generated is used for various purposes that should not matter to the tachometer exercise.
5) You want to measure its speed at regular intervals, and accurately within 1%.
6) Next year you will have another such motor, completely different from the first, but also want to measure its speed.

What do you do? What's your budget? 10 dollars, 100 dollars, or 1000 dollars?
Attempt the 10 dollar solution:
1) You have one 8-pin DIP microcontroller, 6 resistors and handful of little wires.
2) It must work when the temperature is -40C and +40C. Outdoors.
3) You are allowed to program the microcontroller with a computer.

Can you get the 10 dollar solution to work? The parts list above costs about 6 dollars (in bulk) so you can spend the rest on a LCD.
Or do you need to spend 100 dollars to build your tachometer? Will you be spending more money (and time) re-tuning your tach?
Note that several 1000 dollar solutions were already proposed in this thread. Fun, but getting away from the point.
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