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The SPY 2

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Aug 30, 2007
So a little back ground Info:
I started my job working under an engineer and with another engineer in my department. After less then a month the head design engineer quit for more $$, and the other engineer has since been demoted to Sales Associate (for is lack of engineering ability), and I was thrown into the design engineer position, well before I should have. Since I don’t have sound engineer for help, I use internet engineering resources a lot.

The Spy:
Most of the engineering resources I use look like engineering resources to a person walking past accept eng-tips (ie. It doesn’t look like its used for work). So one day I did not alt+tab (switch screens) to ACAD, and one of the operations managers saw me reading on Eng-tips. Ever since they have walked really fast into my office(behind my desk) to ask pointless questions, or just look out my window and say something about the weather (they did while I was writing this).

The Problem:
The problem is the OM are really buddy buddy with the boss. This may be nothing but it’s a little wired to me. Now I spend 90% of my time looking at “work” related stuff. But there is the other 10% where I have said I want to change jobs, Pats pub, etc. I was thinking I may make an alias account, and figure a way to show the OM that I do uses this for work, to avoid any potential problems. But on the other side, it’s not their job, and I know my boss knows that I use what ever I can to get the job done right, because he knows understands my situation. Like anyone, I don’t like the feeling I am being spied on… and just want to do a good job.

What would you guys suggest? What do most bosses think of eng-tips, does your boss know/care?
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Are you the sole engineer at your work? Not that it matters, but why don't you approach your boss and inform him of Eng-Tips.com and the vast knowledge it contains? Perhaps turn him "on" to it, or at least let him know why you visit it so much. As Barney Fife said, "Nip it! Nip it in the bud."

"Art without engineering is dreaming; Engineering without art is calculating."

Have you read faq731-376 to make the best use of Eng-Tips Forums?
Couple ideas, maybe keep your eng-tips activity to first thing, at coffee break, lunch and last thing etc.

Type your responses etc in word first (also helps with spell checking) then paste into Eng-tips. That way the browser isn't up as much.

I also moved desks a while back and now have my back to the wall, and hence my monitor, so I have warning of visitors.

Probably not the kind of answer you were looking for, and of course if they're watching you they can probably also have IT track your activity anyway.

I sometimes debate my use of Eng-tips, for instance asking a technical question is I think definitely work related. However, is answering someone else’s? Though of course without give & take this type of forum wont work so if you want your questions answered shouldn’t you answer others sometimes, at least when you can. The career advice, pats pub etc are arguably less work related most of the time so lately I’ve been trying to limit my time in those forum.

As to dealing with the spy, I’ll let others give you their 2C worth.

KENAT, probably the least qualified checker you'll ever meet...
Leave it on, why do you need to hide it?

Lucky me I handle the networking too. I installed the router my self :). I guess it is time for me to delete all the history in the router :)

Never, but never question engineer's judgement
The fact that you are worried about “the other 10% of the time” says it all really.

Everyone I would guess uses the internet to gather data or information, if it is work related why hide it? If on the other hand you were discussing changing jobs using company time and money, would you see that as being right if the shoe was on the other foot?

In short you seem to know what you are doing is wrong and wish to try and hide it, why not just stop doing it? If you wish to play with fire expect to get burnt.
Hi, this is your boss. Thank you for sharing your thoughts in a public Internet forum.

You're fired.

My boss knows that I hang out here a lot; it's on my resume.

Twenty, thirty, forty years ago I spent a lot of time on the phone, asking questions and learning.

This is better.

Mike Halloran
Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
That said, given that you are having trouble with pointy- haired people sneaking up behind you, rearrange your office so you are facing the door and visitors are on the other side of your desk.

It's a more powerful position, at least in the pointy- haired world.

Mike Halloran
Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
Never flinch. Let him see everything. If it becomes an issue, make it a bigger issue.

They took away your mentor, and put you in his position before you were qualified. You need the counsel of peers and elders. If they can't see that, then perhaps its time to take the path of your former boss.
I don't hide my internet use.

1) The firewall records all traffic, so they know what and when I'm going something online regardless if someone sees me do it.

2) Why look guilty when you're not? If you quickly alt+tab to another screen, then you show that you are at least aware of the fact that you might be doing something not approved of. I've had bosses, supervisors, managers, etc. come up to me when I surfing the net. I could be searching for my next design idea, reading informative white papers, getting a question answered on eng-tips, or reading the world of warcraft forums. Either way, they don't know the context of what I'm doing just by glancing at the screen so alt+tabbing just makes me look guilty of something. I leave it up. Let them look, if they ask, I have a legitimate answer.


Dave this is the VP of HR, You are fired for firing someone on a public forum on the interenet.

"Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" Oddball, "Kelly's Heros" 1970

Please see FAQ731-376 for tips on how to make the best use of the Eng-Tips Forums.

Never alt tab out if you are worried about someone seeing what you are doing.

In windows make sure your internet explorer window is smaller then the Acad window behind it (or any other work related for that matter). Just click on the acad screen and it will pop to the front. Learned this a long time ago during an extremely dull job ;) Alt tab can be affected by computer speed etc. Even clicking on another tab on the task bar can be slow

If you are worried about leaving history on your computer try surfing off a flash drive. Alot of them come with software or you can install your own onto them.

This guy sounds like a weasel. I have known people that have wrongfully lost their jobs due to someone running to the boss or being buddy buddy with him and making up whatever they wanted because the boss will believe them.

Nowadays I only surf at lunch or around lunch even for work related stuff unless I am desperate.

If they get lippy tell them to take away your internet privileges.
High moral ground answer.

If you can justify it, do it openly. If you can't justify it, don't do it at work.

Fun answer.

Create a screen that looks like a "top secret" military project. Next time he sneaks up on you, accidentally let him see it before hurriedly alt tabbing out of it, then, with a dash of hostility and a dash of anguish, ask if he has security clearance for this project, and then express concerns about how the FBI or whoever does those investigations in your part of the world would react knowing how you are not being provided with a properly secured area to perform this work.

Of course, fun is fun, but when at the expense of someone with influence, it can come at a high price.

By the way, we have restructured and you position is now redundant to our needs.

By the way, those who attempted to fire you and involved us in an unfair dismissal law suite have been fired for incompetence and gross misconduct.

Yours unfaithfully

Chairman of the Board


eng-tips, by professional engineers for professional engineers
Please see FAQ731-376 for tips on how to make the best use of Eng-Tips Fora.
If two people have suddenly left and as a result you've been suddenly forced upward into a position with more responsibility, then march into your boss's office, pocket an expensive cigar from the box on his desk, thank him for his confidence in you, shake his hand, sit down and put your feet up on his disk, and then open the discussion about salary and your new corner office (with a new 27-inch monitor facing your private corner).

Okay, slight exaggeration... but you get my point.

My workplace has a written IT policy explicitly allowing surfing for purposes of technical research and general technical education (or words to that effect). The only Internet activities disallowed are the obvious and common sense moral, ethical, legal issues.

Good luck.
I keep my Eng-tips on all day. After viewing forums like this one I usually keep it on the Metallurgy forum. That is who I am and what I do. I have told many engineers and managers about this site, and I have solicited many of your ideas about manufacturing issues I have encountered.

Don't be ashamed of Eng-tips. Never before in my career have I been able to help others and be helped. But I also moved my desk so my back is against the wall, I think there was a thread about this a few months ago. Of course common sense should prevail on any viewing of non-work sites, although I will check my fantasy league at lunchtime:)
Patprimer, might have to try that “TOP-SECET”, I just yesterday got a security clearance job, my first ever! (really not as cool as I thought it would be)

VE1BLL, I did march to my boss and I have the best office with two big windows, lots of room (better then my boss), big desk. :).

The problem is the 3’ plotter with all its support stuff and drawings is in my office so it’s a little cumbersome to rearrange anything myself. I have asked the maintenance man to move it but he is retiring in a couple weeks so he tries to avoid work.

I guess I will not worry about eng-tips and just let them know it’s for work… and just not let them know my handle.

Like some people here I post at home (In “Pats pub” we picked on one of the English fellows for posting at 3am, his time :) ), so I am not worried about the “wasting” work time, just the fact that I have posted about other jobs and that I want to change jobs. This would be a problem if someone from work knew my handle/name.
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