- May 10, 2007
- 38
Hello there,
I have a problem understanding some results from Thermomechanical Analysis with Abaqus . I performed some simple tests on a 2D plate (all in the zip file). UNits: Kg, mm, J, s, N. Each simulation consists of 2 steps:
Step-1: heating up the plate homogenuosly with the same heat flux applied at the 4 sides of the plate. The flux follows a tabular amplitude (linear increase, plateu, linear decrease). No mechanical constraints. No external forces.
Step-2: once the flux has been decreased to zero from the previous step, step-2 is just a relaxation to a certain time with no flux applied. The heat remains inside the plate because the whole process is supposed to be adiabatic. No mechanical constraints. No external forces.
I used temperature dependent material data for tungsten: a simple thermoelastoplastic model with the plastic part of the stress/strain curve as horizontal line. Expansion coefficients for Tungsten are also given. (see .inp files)
I expect the plate expands the same in all direction because of the heating, without stress inside.
I got following results for both sequentially coupled and fully coupled thermomechanical analysis:
a. with expansion coefficients -> expansion + overall non zero stress ~ 800 Mpa!
b. without expansion coefficients -> no expansion + overall zero stress
Case b is fine.
Case a: it seems that in case I allow thermally induce expansion, the abaqus solver associates some internal stress to the pure thermal strain for some reason. But pure thermal expansion without mechanical constraints nor external forces should produce an overall zero internal stress, isn't it?
To sum up:
I expect for both case a&b: ?(total) = ?(elastic) + ?(plastic) + ? (thermal) = ? (thermal) but ?(total) = f(?(elastic) + ?(plastic)) -> ?(total) = 0 even if ? (thermal) >0;
What I actually get is:
?(total) = 0 overall only if I don´t activate thermal expansion
WHY it doesn't do the same with pure thermal expansion????
What I did wrong??
many thanks for any help!
List of attached files:
test5reg_T_smoothFlux.inp -> thermal part of sequentially coupled analysis
test5reg_T_smoothFlux.odb -> results of thermal part (needed for mechanical part)
HTtestreg_S.inp -> mechanical part of sequentially coupled analysis
HTtestreg_S_noExp.inp -> mechanical part of sequentially coupled analysis without thermal expansion
HTtestreg_TMFC.inp -> fully coupled TM analysis
HTtestreg_TMFC_noExp.inp -> fully coupled TM analysis without thermal expansion
I have a problem understanding some results from Thermomechanical Analysis with Abaqus . I performed some simple tests on a 2D plate (all in the zip file). UNits: Kg, mm, J, s, N. Each simulation consists of 2 steps:
Step-1: heating up the plate homogenuosly with the same heat flux applied at the 4 sides of the plate. The flux follows a tabular amplitude (linear increase, plateu, linear decrease). No mechanical constraints. No external forces.
Step-2: once the flux has been decreased to zero from the previous step, step-2 is just a relaxation to a certain time with no flux applied. The heat remains inside the plate because the whole process is supposed to be adiabatic. No mechanical constraints. No external forces.
I used temperature dependent material data for tungsten: a simple thermoelastoplastic model with the plastic part of the stress/strain curve as horizontal line. Expansion coefficients for Tungsten are also given. (see .inp files)
I expect the plate expands the same in all direction because of the heating, without stress inside.
I got following results for both sequentially coupled and fully coupled thermomechanical analysis:
a. with expansion coefficients -> expansion + overall non zero stress ~ 800 Mpa!
b. without expansion coefficients -> no expansion + overall zero stress
Case b is fine.
Case a: it seems that in case I allow thermally induce expansion, the abaqus solver associates some internal stress to the pure thermal strain for some reason. But pure thermal expansion without mechanical constraints nor external forces should produce an overall zero internal stress, isn't it?
To sum up:
I expect for both case a&b: ?(total) = ?(elastic) + ?(plastic) + ? (thermal) = ? (thermal) but ?(total) = f(?(elastic) + ?(plastic)) -> ?(total) = 0 even if ? (thermal) >0;
What I actually get is:
?(total) = 0 overall only if I don´t activate thermal expansion
WHY it doesn't do the same with pure thermal expansion????
What I did wrong??
many thanks for any help!
List of attached files:
test5reg_T_smoothFlux.inp -> thermal part of sequentially coupled analysis
test5reg_T_smoothFlux.odb -> results of thermal part (needed for mechanical part)
HTtestreg_S.inp -> mechanical part of sequentially coupled analysis
HTtestreg_S_noExp.inp -> mechanical part of sequentially coupled analysis without thermal expansion
HTtestreg_TMFC.inp -> fully coupled TM analysis
HTtestreg_TMFC_noExp.inp -> fully coupled TM analysis without thermal expansion