- Dec 27, 2002
- 2,525
The panel section over an opening in a tilt wall is typically just like a deep beam, except that it is deep for architectural reasons rather than structural. We don't normally have to have a beam 5 feet deep for a span of, say, 10 feet for typical load-bearing panels (15-20 feet of tributary width, 50-60 psf dead load and 100 psf live load). Given that, are we required to follow the deep beam requirements in the ACI 318-02 code, namely 10.6.7, 10.7, 11.8 and appendix A? The strength-based requirements are easy enough given relatively light loads for the depth we usually see, but the minimum steel requirements seem above and beyond over conservative for such cases.
Do we need to provide all of that steel even though the beam depth isn't required for strength? Can I base my steel on what would beam size would be required?
Do we need to provide all of that steel even though the beam depth isn't required for strength? Can I base my steel on what would beam size would be required?