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To leave, or stay... 4

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Sep 15, 2004
Hello all,

Recently, I was sought out by a recruiter. The firm found an old copy of my resume online. Anyway, I was contacted by a company within the same industry that I am currently working in. I decided to hear them out, and go in for an interview. Everything went very well... The company offers a higher wage, the same benefit package, a shorter commute, and better hours. Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Well, my dilemma is this - I am completely happy with my current job. I get along great with my team, and the management. The only disadvantage is it is quite a commute - 110 miles round trip…

I have a decision to make, and it is a difficult one. I would just like to hear your opinion, as if this was a scenario that you were facing.

Thanks to all.
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On the big decisions, where I can see the pros and cons of each side and can't decide which path is the best way to go, I take the decision out of my hands and leave it up to fate. Try flipping a coin to make your choice for you. If the coin chooses the wrong option, you'll find yourself rationalising why you shouldn't go with that choice and coming up with reasons why the other one is the way to go and the path YOU really want to take will become much clearer. If both options really are equally right and equally suitable, you can't make a wrong decision because either way is right.
Great thread! I can't believe what I am reading, as it was like the internal dialogue I have been having with myself for the last year at least! I only regret not having been involved in this thread when it started.

Electromechanical30, I hope everything has worked out for you whichever path you decided to walk down. JMW, your words are wise. Since you both seem to have thought this through, I wanted to let you know my situation so that perhaps Electro could take something from it and JMW could shed some light upon it.

I started in 1999 working for a local municipality and left 15 months after starting because of the typical civil service environment...effort is not rewarded and sloth is not punished. Before this stint I worked for a private company in a position that I loved, in spite of the long hours and unpaid overtime. So after leaving the muni and returning to the private world, I came to realize that a long commute is VERY undesirable for me. Not to mention the lack of leadership and defined roles. So after only 9 months of a 60-mile commute that included traversing a New York City bridge (I can't imagine a 110-mile commute!), I returned to the same municipality with my tail between my legs and a smile on my face. To make a long story short, the civil service mentality is still present in spite of extensive staff changes, and after nearly 5 years (and twins!) of allowing the resentment to build to flood stage I have come to the conclusion that the biggest mistake I have ever made was coming back and starting a family. What was once a personal decision is now one that will affect 3 other people.

But here's my dilemma, and I think my subconcious finally allowed my conscious mind to acknowledge this only after reading this thread. This muni job is so cushy! Free health benefits, 35-hour work weeks, pension up to 75% if I make it to age 55, at least 3 weeks off a year, and if I want to leave I just fill out a time slip and off I go, no questions asked. So why am I even considering leaving, you ask? Well, I feel as though my time is being wasted there. The office is unbelievably unprofessional...the boss catches peanuts in his mouth from across the room; the office only gets quiet at break time (15 minutes at 10 and 3 turn into 25 minute story time) when everyone goes on the internet; the boss didn't know what ASTM is (we are a highway "engineering" unit); standard and basic engineering principles are ignored or scoffed at (for all you Rational Method users out there, my office thinks that the Q is a volume, not a flow rate). I could go on and on. The point is that I am a fish out of water. I need to get out, but that will require relocating the familly and taking a leap of faith. I am starting to believe that the environment has rubbed off on me, and that I will not be able to readjust to the real world. And I also made the mistake of not getting my masters before I had kids, so I am at a disadvantage there.

I realize I am rambling, so I will end it with a question...am I insane for wanting to leave this job? Is the grass truly greener? Is job satisfaction worth relocating your entire family? Can happiness be obtained from a job, or should one seek happiness in other venues? Is it possible to harvest happiness from a municipal job? Are all munis like this?

Again, I apologize for the tangents and long story. My mind is a quagmire of indecision, and I am seeking some intelligent people, clearly subscribed to this thread, to provide some insight. Thanks in advance.
I thought that I'd let you know that I have made my decision. I have accepted the new position. The visit that I had with them went extremely well. It exceeded my expectations.
The new position offers a wide variety of projects, with the addition of project management. This wasn't mentioned in the first meeting.
The department staff made me feel very welcome. I even got the "Good to see you again!" from one of the guys.
Another big factor was the winter storm that we had last week. I decided, at the last minute, to pull two PTO days because of the weather. That won't really be an issue anymore… My family likes the idea of a "normal" schedule. Traditional workdays: 5-8's instead of rotating 12's. I'm looking forward to that too.

Thank you all for your opinions. Your insight helped me to weigh everything out.

Here is a thought for you to aid your thought process.

If you are unhappy at least 8 hours a day, do you think you can turn that around immediately when you get home?

What effect is your unhappiness going to have on your family - spouse, kids? Believe the experts, your happiness will show to your family, and it will have an effect. The question is what kind of effect?

If they see dad being unhappy at work, how will you urge them on in school/life?

"Do well at school, try your hardest, so you can get a lousy job and be miserable at work?"

If you are that unhappy, you need to really think about what you should do.
Electro, I am happy for you. Sounds like a great career move and I wish you all the best.

Ashereng, thanks for the input. You bring up a very relevant issue about bringing the unhappiness home. My commmute, only 20 minutes, does not let me decompress and I find myself miserable with everything from the clutter in the house to the dog getting in my face. I can only attribute that to the job, and I guess I don't have the ability to "turn it off" immediately upon walking in the door. The last thing I want is to have this affect my kids' perception of work, and you're right, it will affect them. I am trying not to subscribe to the belief that all my hard work in college and getting my license was for nothing. I love this profession, just not the company.

Mike, you are right. But I think one has to be able to extract happiness from one's job since it is such a large part of life. But like Ashereng was saying, I don't have the button that reverts me to happiness after a day in the office. There are many nights where I find myself contemplating how I am going to approach tomorrow. If I, personally, allow myself to remain in this environment, I think I will eventually lose the ability and motivation to be happy. So everyone's comments, and the fact that I am listening to myself by reading what comes from the keyboard, are leading me to seek employment elsewhere.

I thank you for making this obvious to me.
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