- May 25, 2003
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A 66/6.9kV YNyn0 transformer with 66kV side solidly grounded when connected to a 66kV solidly grounded system is tripping on Standby Earth Fault protection. My doubts are:
1. Can grounded equipment like a transformer be connected to a grounded system.
2. Can there be one than one earth point in the power system.
3. Can the source as well as loads be grounded. If yes, why?
4. If the source and loads can be grounded, then what should be the optimum SEF protection setting to prevent tripping in normal service.
5. Similarly, if there are more than one generator in the electrical system, can all the generators be grounded at neutral point. If yes, what should be Earth Fault/ Standby Earth Fault settings of the Generator. If no, why and what is the recommended arrangement for the electrical system to continue to work as a grounded system in all possilbe eventualities.
Request to provide guidance in this aspect please.
1. Can grounded equipment like a transformer be connected to a grounded system.
2. Can there be one than one earth point in the power system.
3. Can the source as well as loads be grounded. If yes, why?
4. If the source and loads can be grounded, then what should be the optimum SEF protection setting to prevent tripping in normal service.
5. Similarly, if there are more than one generator in the electrical system, can all the generators be grounded at neutral point. If yes, what should be Earth Fault/ Standby Earth Fault settings of the Generator. If no, why and what is the recommended arrangement for the electrical system to continue to work as a grounded system in all possilbe eventualities.
Request to provide guidance in this aspect please.