- May 14, 2015
- 269
My AI is questioning about some calculations of my client because he thinks that the hydrostatic test pressure reported is not correctly verified, so the vessels I'm building are wrong and I need to change thk. and flange rating.
Example of 1 of these tank that I have to U-Stamp:
Vessel is a simple vertical one with nozzles, material carbon steel, design code: ASME VIII Div.1
My client wants Hydrotest pressure=250 bar, with design conditions assigned.
I run calcs 1^st time setting UG-99(b), and calcs say that P.hydro.min=200 bar
I run calcs 2^nd time setting UG-99(c), and calcs say P.hydro=300 bar
ASME VIII UG-99(d) says that I could test vessel @ intermediate pressure, as in my case.
Problem: if I run 1^st calc, P.Hydro=250 is checked (in the way below) even if 250>200
if I run 2^nd calc, P.Hydro=300 is not checked, because 250<300 and calcs send me an error message
In the 1^st calcs, calcs let me select hydro pressure and verify in this way: it simply uses the formula for calculaton of design pressure using P=P.hydro selected and S.yield as allowable stress. If T resulting from this formula> T.min, calcs say "ok, go". In other words, it checks if material yields @ temperature and pressure of hidrostatic pressure that I have selected. This is SOLUTION A.
Other clients, instead of using the formula above, re-run calculation supposing 250 bar equal to an UG-99(b) value of an equivalent new design pressure (higher than the first one). This is SOLUTION B.
Both solutions have been rejected by my AI, saying that it's necessary to re-run all calculation using P.des=P.hydrotest @ test condition. But in that way, all flanges and other parts have to be replaced!
I don't understand the reason behind this, because some softwares like Sant'Ambrogio, Compress and Visual Vessel Design use SOLUTION A without warning message. So all these softwares are wrong?
Please help me, thanks.
My AI is questioning about some calculations of my client because he thinks that the hydrostatic test pressure reported is not correctly verified, so the vessels I'm building are wrong and I need to change thk. and flange rating.
Example of 1 of these tank that I have to U-Stamp:
Vessel is a simple vertical one with nozzles, material carbon steel, design code: ASME VIII Div.1
My client wants Hydrotest pressure=250 bar, with design conditions assigned.
I run calcs 1^st time setting UG-99(b), and calcs say that P.hydro.min=200 bar
I run calcs 2^nd time setting UG-99(c), and calcs say P.hydro=300 bar
ASME VIII UG-99(d) says that I could test vessel @ intermediate pressure, as in my case.
Problem: if I run 1^st calc, P.Hydro=250 is checked (in the way below) even if 250>200
if I run 2^nd calc, P.Hydro=300 is not checked, because 250<300 and calcs send me an error message
In the 1^st calcs, calcs let me select hydro pressure and verify in this way: it simply uses the formula for calculaton of design pressure using P=P.hydro selected and S.yield as allowable stress. If T resulting from this formula> T.min, calcs say "ok, go". In other words, it checks if material yields @ temperature and pressure of hidrostatic pressure that I have selected. This is SOLUTION A.
Other clients, instead of using the formula above, re-run calculation supposing 250 bar equal to an UG-99(b) value of an equivalent new design pressure (higher than the first one). This is SOLUTION B.
Both solutions have been rejected by my AI, saying that it's necessary to re-run all calculation using P.des=P.hydrotest @ test condition. But in that way, all flanges and other parts have to be replaced!
I don't understand the reason behind this, because some softwares like Sant'Ambrogio, Compress and Visual Vessel Design use SOLUTION A without warning message. So all these softwares are wrong?
Please help me, thanks.