Pierre Hubert
New member
I have a big hydraulic circuit in a CATpart where every pipe are made with a rib.
I'm working on a macro but I'm really newbie in VB for Catia. The aims of this macro are:
-Renumber the ribs and their parent lines
-Measure the lines lengths in X, Y and Z directions
-Export these data to an excel sheet
By now, I only succeed to renumber the ribs.
I don't succeed to modify the parent line number.
Could you help me please?
Thank you
Here is my code
I have a big hydraulic circuit in a CATpart where every pipe are made with a rib.
I'm working on a macro but I'm really newbie in VB for Catia. The aims of this macro are:
-Renumber the ribs and their parent lines
-Measure the lines lengths in X, Y and Z directions
-Export these data to an excel sheet
By now, I only succeed to renumber the ribs.
I don't succeed to modify the parent line number.
Could you help me please?
Thank you
Here is my code
Public oList As Variant
Option Explicit
Sub CATMain()
On Error Resume Next
Dim MyDoc As Document
Dim oTopProd As ProductDocument
Dim oCurrentPart As Part
Dim oCurrentProd As Product
Dim n As Integer
'Check if the active document is a Part, else exit
Set MyDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
If MyDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Must have a Part open"
Exit Sub
End If
If Right(MyDoc.Name, 7) <> "CATPart" Then
MsgBox "Active document should be a CATPart"
Exit Sub
End If
Set oCurrentPart = MyDoc.Part
Set oList = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
CATIA.StatusBar = "Working On" & " " & oCurrentPart.Name
On Error Resume Next
Dim varFilter(1) As Variant
Dim objSel As Selection
Dim objSelLB As Object
Dim strReturn, strMsg, Index_ini, Answer As String
Dim end_flag As Boolean
Dim i, objcount As Integer
Dim myrib
Dim visProperty
Index_ini = InputBox("Renseigner le numéro du premier élément à renuméroter :") '"Give the number of the first element
MsgBox "Sélectionner les éléments à numéroter (l'ordre de sélection est important!)" '"Select the first element to renumber (be careful the sequence matter!)
varFilter(0) = "Rib"
varFilter(1) = "Rib" 'Doesn't work with only one
Set objSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Set objSelLB = objSel
objSel.Search ("Name=Nervure*,all")
myrib = objSel.Item2(1).Value.Name
objcount = objSel.Count
MsgBox myrib
end_flag = 0
i = Index_ini
While end_flag = False
strMsg = "Select a rib"
strReturn = objSelLB.SelectElement2(varFilter, strMsg, False)
'myrib(0) = objSel.FindObject("CATIARib")
If strReturn = "Normal" Then
If objSel.Count2 > 0 Then
myrib = objSelLB.Item(1).Value.Name
MsgBox myrib
objSel.Item2(1).Value.Name = "Nervure." & i
objSel.Search ("Name=Nervure*,all")
End If
End If
'get the line associate to this rib
'set mymeas = SPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(line)
'export each rib/line number and the associated measurement in a xls file
Answer = MsgBox("Avez vous d'autres éléments à renuméroter", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "On continue?") '"Do you have more elements to renumber?
If Answer = vbNo Then
end_flag = True
End If
i = i + 1
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub