It depends on what you want to use it for. I will give you an example.
Make sure that the progress bar component is visable in the component toolbar (Microsoft common controls 6).
To chart the progress of say an iterated calculation that starts at 1 and goes to 251 do this:
progressbar1.min = 1
progressbar1.max = 252 'the last number of the loop + 1 becuase, the loop will add 1 extra to the progress bar.
for i = 1 to 251
progressbar1.value = progressbar1.value +1
next i
Hope this gives you an idea. I know this is a little rough, but it is off the top of my head....
Troy Williams
I am a recent Mining Engineering Graduate with an interest in Genetic Algorithms, Engineering and Computers and Programming. I also have an interest in mineral economics