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What do the Greens want? 17

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Back to "what do the Greens want":

I have absolutely no patience for anyone who makes public policy decisions on the basis of religion. I don't care what religion you're talking about, regardless whether the supernatural force being worshipped is a god or an ecosystem. "Environmentalism" too often is a religion, full of absolutes and lean on reason.

All of life is about compromise and choices amongst various options with benefits and harm associated with each one. When "absolutes" are brought into the decision-making process on public policy, and the "public" doesn't have a uniform, shared set of beliefs and values, the process is really tough and some people's feelings are going to get hurt, period. But we have to make decisions, and we have to do that as rationally as we can.

Engineers have to be pragmatists. Being a pragmatist doesn't mean that you assign a zero value to an unobstructed landscape, an old-growth forest or a planet with a mean temperature not affected significantly by human activity, merely because these things are "hard" to assign a monetary value to them. That too is a mistake that has been made far too often in past. Rather, it means that we have to assist in pointing out the costs and benefits of ALL options, including the "do nothing" option.

In the case of wind power versus fossil fuel consumption, clearly wind power is the hands-down winner if you value human health and net environmental harm. But conservation wins against BOTH of these.

Pragmatically, we humans have to figure out how to live here on this planet without consuming finite resources in the wasteful, wanton, addicted way we currently do. Is that a value judgment on my part? Yes! But it's not based on some abstract notion of "absolutes"- it's simple arithmetic. There are nearly two billion people in China and India, and if they start consuming fossil fuels and similar resources at the rate that we do in the so-called "developed world", the emissions from this consumption will have us drowning in our own filth. Enormous human misery will result.
I think "Antienvironmentalism" has also become a religion.

"Enormous human misery will result."

I agree with you but would add that it is more likely

Human misery greater then the current human misery will result in parts of the world that the "developed world" doesn't see.
nice answer but I wouldn't worry about the effect of China reducing emissions if I were you, don't forget all the slash and burn operations in the Amazon and of corurse, Indonesia.

However, I believe I must have slept the day they figured out that burning wood is "green". I'm not sure that I believe this even now. Still, it's aplausible enough to hear it explained that CO2in equals CO2 out and hence Greenhouse gas neutral.

Of course, the massive quick growth tree crops required will certainly lead to nitrate run-off issues, over-forestation etc etc.

As for "nothing is free". The environment isn't either. If we want a clean environment they it will cost money. I am all for paying fair and reasonable fees. My problem is that i don't trust governments abilities to deliver the right solution at an acceptable price. I have never fully been convinced by the catalytic convertors on cars approach as being the best or only solution. Still, I'm no expert on this.

I think it is absurd to require catalytic converters and also give a tax break to those who buy Hummers (speaking of USA)
QCE: We agree that there are some out there who assign zero value to everything in the environment, and feel that it's their god-given right to exploit the world in any way they can imagine, without concern for the consequences for later generations, people living in other parts of the world etc. I too think it's fair to call this viewpoint a religion, because facts and reasoned argument cannot change these people's "values" or lack thereof. They're every bit as dangerous and unproductive in the debate as the so-called "environmentalists" with similar "values". I'd like these two groups with opposing, closed-minded views to simply go away and fight one another in a closed room somewhere. The rest of us rational human beings would be left to sort things out by the only means that actually works: discussion, reason, comparison of benefits and harms, and compromise.

As to the expansion of human misery, don't worry: if China and India even attempt to consume fossil fuels at a significant fraction of the per-capita rates that we in the so-called developed world do, there'll be misery enough to go around the entire world. It won't just be localized to places we don't see.

So now that we have boiled it down to left wing environmental crazies and right wing environmental crazies what is next. For me this thread has lived out it purpose but what ever happened to Roadbridge the person that started this poorly reasoned thread.

Walking Clubs = Left Wing Environmental Crazies

What a riot!
Has he gone for a walk?



Thats a bit unfair of you.

Maybe my question was a bit on the broad side for some, but from where I see it the Greens are never happy, be they hill walkers, treehuggers, ecowarriors or what ever banner they march under, no solution is ever right.

Not only are the Greens never happy, the anti-Greens are never happy either <chuckles>. I think any debate about religion, politics, and now environment, will soon become an endless cacophony of dissenting opinions, just for the sake of argument.
Roadbridge, you just proved QCE's point by demonstrating you have no idea what "Green" means and haven't bothered to find out the meaning of the words you use. If you lump together anyone who has any postive feeling for anything having anything to do with something outdoors, isn't that just another version of extremist viewpoint?


Eng-Tips guidelines: faq731-376

That's why I asked the question.

You didn't ask the question of what Greens are. You created an erroneous assumption and then asked a different question based on that assumption. Not very scientific.


Eng-Tips guidelines: faq731-376
I had an Env. Eng. professor in college who used to be a statistician AND a "tree-hugger" (as he called it). Because he was SO passionate about his beliefs, he left his old profession and got a PhD in Env E because he wanted to make a difference, not complain and yell at everyone else to try and change things.

Because of this new perspective, his views TOTALLY evolved; he is still a hippy at heart, but he is more realistic and can see what is possible, what is not, and how to balance conflicting sides. This is how he profoundly stated it, "I never realized how many needs people have."
Raptors are becoming over populated and over protected. They are decimating game species such as quail. I never thought of allowing wind turbines to be put up on my property to legally manage the over population of raptors.

Where do I sign up? All natural resources need to be managed, including raptor populations.
My girlfriend is a Green Party member and a city council member of the U.S. city which has maintained a Green majority longer than any other. She is currently in Ireland at an "international bicycle conference."

In short, the green party is falling apart. It must be replaced by a more effective party. My girlfriend has given up on the party and will not be a member when her term limit is up.

The green party doesn't know what they want. It is an ineffective organization and the question is pedantic for this reason. The question would be better posed by "what do we want." Everyone wants to be "for the environment," but not everybody agrees on how we should protect it.

I like your comment, "Everyone wants to be "for the environment," but not everybody agrees on how we should protect it." The problem is we are trying to protect it from ourselves. At times I wonder if we can find a balance between those who want to consume resources at any time and those who want to try conservation.

I am reminded of kids at either easter or halloween fighting against or giving into the urge to either consume all that candy at once or to spread it out over a few days/weeks. Commonality is that those who consume all at once tend to get sick. A possible lesson there for us.

I note that Proffessor David Bellamy ( likely to be chucked out of a number of posts because his views on global warming and wind farms do not accord with the "popular" view (with at least one challenge to his figurs):
((The latest is said to be the Centre for Alternative Technlogy (In other words, pariah status awaits any who try to test, refute or challenge the global warming message, but don't ask me who is right.

we need pariahs to balance out the zealots
Nothing like a call for reason and facts and truth to make one a pariah.
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