- Nov 24, 2004
- 247
The facility is a larger wind farm with two 35kV collector feeders each having about twenty 1.5MW turbines. There is one step up 230/35kV transformer in the substation serving both feeders, connected as WYE/DELTA (230/35).
The turbine step up transforms use DELTA on the 35kV side, so since there is a DELTA at both ends of the collector, both feeders employ separate grounding transformers in the substation.
Both feeders are equipped with SEL351 protections. From the 230/35kV substation, both feeders use 35kV UG cables for some distance (about 1km) and then the cables connect to two overhead circuits. The OH circuits use the same poles for few km and then diverge. Each feeder also has several OH branches along which turbines connect via UG cable and one pole mounted aerial switch. Each such switch location also includes surge arresters.
The number of turbines connecting to the OH line via UG cable and the aerial switch varies, in some cases it is only one, in other cases two or max three turbines are daisy chained by UG cables before they connect to the OH line.
Turbine transformers are outdoor and use current limiting + expulsion fuses in series with a disconnect switch in-between.
Occasionally, at high outputs, one of the feeder 51 protection trips on the phase-phase fault. The fault starts between B and C phase but it does occasionally progress to phase A too. The fault circuit current is fairly consistent, about 4kA which is about 40% of the (bolted) fault level at the substation. The SEl351 51 element is set to clear the fault within about 400ms (including breaker time). The voltage, as seen by SEL351 in the substation, does not collapse dramatically suggesting that the fault is not very close to the substation.
The nature of the problem is rather random, so sometimes on a windy day it may trip twice, but the other time on even a windier day may not trip at all. There is never a fault on restoring the grid power to the feeder. Sometimes there may not be any trips for couple weeks.
Line inspections were conducted several times and revealed nothing – there are no suspicious places at all.
Some problem with SEL351 relay is also eliminated since the fault is also seen by another feeder protection, which does pick up but does not trip (the current goes to 200% or higher).
The OH lines do employee some self resettable fault indicators for different sections and branches. One of these indicators was tripping suggesting that the fault is on a particular OH branch serving 4 turbines each connecting to the OH line individually. The indicators are single phase and are those which are installed on the conductor by a hot stick, but the make and model unknown. It does change the color from yellow to black when tripped.
However, after the last trip, that particular indicator never reset itself to normal state (to display yellow) suggesting that it is possibly defective, so any conclusion based on its operation is not particularly reliable - if it was too sensitive before it finally failed, maybe it was tripping on faults elsewhere along the feeder rather than on faults on its own branch.
Where to go from here? Any idea how to narrow down the possible location of the problem?
I sort of exclude the possibility that the problem is underground, since cables cannot behave that way, when they fail they are unlikely to repair themselves after the trip, so suspects are OH structures or possibly (but less likely) turbine transformer termination compartments, where 35kV cables connect.
Thank you for reading.