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With out these there would be pretty much nothing 6

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Malicious Compliance.

I was driving from Bakersfield to Ridgecrest a few months ago. I know the way but my wife drives it more often so felt the need to direct me. We were in a rush trying to get into town before UPS shut to pick up a package they'd tried delivering during the 10 minutes we'd been out of the house that morning.

After coming through the pass on 58 she told me to take the third exit.

I questioned this on the basis of:

1. The first exit used to take you cross country a couple of miles from the 58 to the 14, however, they've since had some significant changes to the road layout but I figured it probably still did the same.

2. I was pretty sure the second was the actual junction of 14 & 58 but what would I know.

3. I thought the third exit either takes you into the bottom of Mojave or the middle of no where.

She was not pleased by this and insisted I take the 3rd or 'do what you want' - an options often said but never meant, at least unless you want to face the unmentioned consequences.

I passed the 1st junction without incident.

At the second I double checked "you said third?" which got a similar response to above.

So I take the 3rd junction.

Hey presto a road that's a dead end Eastbound (but only after a mile or so & round a corner so you aren't sure till you get there) and heads back to Mojave Westbound.

Just to top it off there was a Cop there for some reason, it's hard not to look suspicious when zooming off to a dead end at 70mph.

I don't recall an apology, at least not one with any meaning.

I still got us to UPS on time, only to find my wife & her sister had managed to leave the package ticket at home we stopped for a bathroom break, they couldn't find the ticket and we'd have to come back next day.



Have you reminded yourself of faq731-376 recently, or taken a look at posting policies:
So.. if I follow the posts and refer back to the original quiestion "With out these there would be pretty much nothing"... does this mean that without a wife there would be no nagging; without nagging there would be no wife; but it only happens when the male is driving and has the female in the navigator's place. Which means that if you follow directions and put up with the nagging you will end up nowhere anyways but still be able to reproduce, somehow, even though you're still in the middle of nowhere and thus there will be something opposed to nothing?

Man! this post has really taken an inconclusive, convoluting turn. Probably because we did not follow directions.

<<A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend
will be sitting beside you saying ” Damn that was fun!” - Unknown>>
On the other hand, when my wife drives and I navigate it is no easier.

I know where to go and how to get there.
The real problem is to get her to take directions.... something she is genetically ill equipped to do and why should she break the habits of a lifetime just to get somewhere on time?

"Get into the right hand lane here and then take the third exit from the roundabout." (i repeat this three times... once about a mile before, once about 1-200yards before and once as we reach the roundabout.
We get into the left hand lane and at each exit she says "This one?"

This is a no win situation.

I swear the goldfish has a better attention span and is better at navigating (OK, a little unfair since he lives in a spherical bowl and it would be hard for him to get lost, on the other hand, if I put my wife's head in a spherical bowl filled with water......)

Sorry Unotec, and anyway, what original post? Dicer seems to have created the original blank page for us to pour out our woes.

Anyway, I am still not convinced that GPS is the answer, I have nagging worry this really is a no win situation.

Ok, so.. if we stop and ask directions, would we get brownie points if we ask a female instead of a male?
However, I must say.. Getting lost has taken me to some of the most beautiful places I've been to.. but also has gotten me into a little bit of trouble in the past.
GPS's are great if you are going to a known landmark and there are no new developments in the area, but if there are or you are in the back country... well... those blasted things keep saying (in a sexy english accented female voice) "please, make a U turn as soon as it is safe". They are no good for finding drilling rigs [thumbsup2]

<<A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend
will be sitting beside you saying ” Damn that was fun!” - Unknown>>
Somptin, tnboy82 beat you to it. Not only did he, but he also started a complaints argument of men being navigated by women (aka, driven nuts)

<<A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend
will be sitting beside you saying ” Damn that was fun!” - Unknown>>
I think I heard Steve say that with a great deal of resignation and not as a suggestion.

Oh well, what was that saying? Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, get used to it.

By the way, my wife is a great one for asking directions. She'd rather believe some obvious out of towner, some drunk or some bag person than me. She doesn't look out for a policeman or taxi driver, postman or someone who looks like they might actually know something, she asks anyone and they always want to chat for hours.
We once took a two hour walk because she asked someone where the car park was and they should have said "don't know." but my wife said it was over a bridge and he just pointed to the nearest bridge.
The fact that I was right all along didn't help.

Going through the tolls on the Antwerp ring road she asked the lady in the toll booth (why was it a lady?) and before you knew it they were swapping life stories and having a right old gabfest.
Meanwhile there were about a dozen cars piled up behind us and we were about to make the "eye in the sky" report....
"Yes fellow Antwerpians, avoid the ring road in the R2 direction. The tail back from here is already causing major problems at the on ramps for 20 km around. Unless your journey is necessary leave your car at home. We'll let you know when these women have finished chatting and Belgium can get back to normal."

My wife having conducted this conference doesn't actually pay any attention at all to the directions she has been given. She assumes that I will sift the five basic facts out of the hour long chat and remember them (especially when she has conducted the conversation in a language unknown to me).

And finally... and believe it or not, the answer occurred on "Have I got news for you five minutes ago"....prompting a quick google and up comes the answer to the problem I posed earlier:
Oh, well, yes, what if gay men can't navigate either?

I now postulate a new "without this there would be nothing":
University researchers who can think up any old thing to study and get a grant for it.

tn, don't worry, just yet. Wait 'till the engirlneers get wind of this and I think ALL our privileges will be revoked for a while

<<A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend
will be sitting beside you saying ” Damn that was fun!” - Unknown>>
Well, I appear to have survived Christmas, the new year dinner and our wedding anniversary unscathed. Of course, I won't know for sure till the next argument when I will pay particular attention to see what new crimes have been added to the list.

Oh, there is one that passed without censure at the time but who knows what will be made of it in the future; I advised all and sundry it was our tenth anniversary whereupon at our anniversary dinner party my colleague publicly worked out that it was our 11th. Now how do you pass that one off?

The subject of navigation came up.
He had just driven 300miles to get to us with his wife navigating and they only argued once or twice (but did not advice as to the duration of the arguments).
His problem is that she is not only a woman but dyslexic and dyslexics, he informs me, also have problems sorting out their right and left.

That must have been some journey.

In line with the topic of this thread I can confirm that Santa delivered me a "Satnav".

Significant other isn't impressed, she doesn't like the voice.
I tried the British English first.
No good. Then I tried the US English and she found the accent irritating.
So then I tried German. For some reason German is a man's voice and she didn't like that.
Then I discovered that if I deviate from the route there is a significant pause and then it says "Recalculating", exactly capturing my significant others tone when reproving me.

Still, I think I have her won over after promising she could use it and have spent some time carefully programming it with all her favourite haunts.
The only problem is that I have to teach her to use it and train her not to leave it in the car (a rag top).... she has a history of parking her car where and when she wants and disappearing into Bistros cafes etc leaving all her shopping/luggage etc arrayed in full view for the convenience of thieves.

The GPS won't stop the navigation arguments in the car. Now, you will have the GPS telling you to turn left, but your wife is telling you to turn right. Do you

a) Turn left and get to your destination, but suffer the wrath of your wife because you believed a silly computer rather than her.

b) Turn right, the GPS will now be telling you to turn around when possible. This will irritate your wife so she turns it off and you get hopelessly lost. Because you have the GPS you don't have a map in the car and the wife refuses to let you turn it back on.
Life isnt so bad after all..... his'n'hers GPS.

I solved the problem by buying my wife her own GPS, paying particular attention to such features as the ability to customise the colour scheme and to be able to download voices.

She was much impressed by her friend Sandra's practised use of GPS to get around Dusseldorf at night and anything Sandy can do...

So she now has a choice of male or female voices in whichever language she cares to listen to, nice colours and the ability for her computer to tell mine what is wrong.

So now instead of us arguing, the two GPS argued on their first outing together (to a known destination). This because the wife has set the wrong destination, I presumed. However since mine was talking English and hers was talking Turkish or some language I didn't understand but she did (subtle, that, I could have followed German or French) the "alternative route" judgement was allowed to stand.

Driving herself she is as happy as can be with it.

Downside: she is now planning extended shopping trips to distant and expensive locations and will take her friend. So now shopping will be more frequent and more expensive.

The words "Berlin" and "Paris" keeping cropping up and I am nervously awaiting the day she discovers I'm the one with Western Europe Mapping and her GPS only has UK and Ireland. (I'm not a complete idiot).

Yep, still going. My mother listens to it every week. I recall Billy Connolly's suggestion that it's theme tune should be our national anthem.

It has quite a full wikipedia page, so train spotters must also still listen to it.

- Steve
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