Each truss delivers a restraint load as noted, only up to 7 trusses need to be considered in accumulating the maximum restraint force.
Usually, you're going to be governed by deflection and possibly vibration. Strength limit states are usually a secondary thing that just works for simply supported stairs for the main reinforcement, though sometimes the detailing at any change in direction with the flight/landings requires some...
Add some form of diaphragm? could be as basic as some diagonal braces or detailing any flooring over the beams appropriately to address the out of plane concern.
That seems to be the only way if strengthening the members isn't possible (which you're inferring?).
This is probably a good example of when you should employ a buckling analysis so you don't miss some global/local buckling modes.
In NZ we don't typically have any minimum like that related to a percentage of base shear from a period empirical equation.
Only time it mentioned is for timber multistorey design guidance as we borrow a bit from North American practice where that seems to be the norm. Even then it's limiting...
Also the tables are not giving an approximation, it's the theoretical solution.
If you considered a free body of your column with the beam forces as loads, then you may well end up with something as shown for the moment. But the result you're seeing is probably due to what JAE has noted as...
Any reason they can't just cast in these connectors with the wall panel.
Either way if the infilled concrete/grout is done along the lines of a proper structural repair and the wall reinforcement carried through I'd see no issue with it. Concrete is removed and replaced all day long in the...
Is something like speedcore an option
What rscassar notes is pretty typical requirement the world over. More of a shit storm would your building collapsing and it being attributed to pounding of an adjacent buildings floor against your columns.
I always find it amusing how the Australians resist change because you just haven't had...
Surely this is just really badly worded as standards writers can only do!
Can read it as min of 0.2d or 0.2b or 2h if you use some 'standards writers' imagination... And remove the first comparison inequality if the second one applies.
If you already have a design spreadsheet, look at simply using goal seek or solver in excel to determine the max span for a given configuration. If you have multiple configurations look at using a macro to do this analysis and record the results to another sheet.
In my experience if a structure is importance level 1/2/3/4 then the fitout and any elements designed as parts are also expected to be 1/2/3/4 as per the main structure. There isn't really any mechanism available in 1170 to reclassify parts of buildings to another lower importance level.
In this case you still use the interaction equation you noted. It's use is not dependant on only one of either shear or tension breakout governing and another non breakout limit state governing (like a steel based failure).