Need your help. I am designing a simple wood structure that has a 4'-0" high band of brick veneer. We are in Akron Ohio, so for a 3/8" wide expansion joint the spacing is about 18'-0". THe architect thinks thay are too close together. Are there any special considerations for a short veneer...
The water tank manufacturer has a membrane that is put down. I imagine it is pretty heavy duty and able to span slight cracks. The slab is heavily reinforced both top and bottom. Plenty of S&T steel
The slab is constructed on a 54' inside diameter concrete pedestal with 14" thick walls. THe bottom of slab is 125' up. 1.5 million gallon tank on the slab.
My client beleives it is condensation. That sounds reasonable to me. They want my client to remove 6 2'x2' pieces of the composite deck that was used to support the construction of the slab. Crazy
Has anyone heard of water seeping thru a 4'-6" deep reinforced concrete slab with a water tank membrane on it. We designed a water pedestal and they get water on hte bottom of the slab 125' in the air and the State believes it is leaking thru the slab and membrane.
Is there an equivalent USA specification for S275?
Good comments people. I can't find any information anywhere on what material they used. Two fabricators I spoke with believe it is some kind of spring steel.
I want to design a sheet metal trampoline for my daughter's goats. See the following link: Does anyone have experience is sheet metal design and can tell me how to proceed?
Our firm has been asked by a local fabricator (Fabricator #1) to fill out charts for the capacity of fixed columns - 3", 3 1/2" diameter. This will be used so they can obtain an ICC-ES report. See ESR-1767 obtained by another local fabricator (Fabricator #2). This is essentially the same...