Thank you for your answer!
Will a HF noise circuit loop not be created if the ladders are grounded to building PE only?
From converter - through the power cable - Induced onto the conductive cable ladder - trough ladder grounding wire - to building ground system - back to the converter PE...
Thank you Keith for your answer, very informative indeed!
When describing the "Own VFD ground screw" Do you mean the "power ground" which it is often named by VFD suppliers?
Shouldn't the cable ladder also be grounded to the "Power ground" to offload the HF freq. noise induced in the metal...
Thank you for your answer Gr8blu!
Some very good points.
I feel that I have a good understanding of the best practices in this topic.
The thing I'm wondering though is, if you fulfill all of the best practices will it ever be too big of an overkill.
Shielded cables, PE cable one size larger...
Thank you for your answer FacEngrPE.
The use of shielded cables is still up for debate, as the pricing increase by almost 50%. But ofc. it is the preferred option.
Also i find it hard to argue for shielded cables seeing as it's difficult to predict/calculate the need for it before system...
Thank you for your answer,
So you common thing to do is to trust that the PE cable (1/2 size of the power cables, approximately 150mm2) would function as a sufficient return path?
I'am guessing that a well connected and terminated cable tray also adds to this functionality.
In a MV MW system with a VFD driving a motor, how do you handle grounding the High Frequency common mode currents?
The rotor has shaft grounding which is grounded to the stator frame.
Stator frame is grounded via the PE cable routed in the same cable tray as the power cables. The PE...
Gr8blu thank you for the answer.
Some good points. And great to get some experience on the topic, seems clear that the system should be designed with optimal care if you want to max out the voltage rating on the cable.
Could you give some insights into the meaning of a cable spark test, and...
Gr8blu thanks a lot for your detailed answer and shared experience.
Your answer corresponds with what I've been hearing from other engineers. It could be great to figure out a way to calculate or show the reasons behind this choice. For an example when you have a 6.6kV system and the converter...
When selecting cable for high current power supplies 500A+, and a specific voltage rating of e.g. 3.3kV.
The cable is between a converter and a large motor, so the system will have some switching dv/dT over voltages, but limited by a dv/dt filter.
Do you then select a 3,3kV cable or...
Hello, i'm a student in electrical engineering and i'm doing a project using COMSOL multiphysiscs tool to anticipate the temperature of a cable being subjected to a specific current.
The test is done in real life and then simulated in COMSOL, to see if its possible to anticipate.
Currently we...
Thank you both for the advice, i will try looking into the solutions.
Yes btrueblood you are correct. I intend to keep the same physical parameters for the cable, so that the heat flux matches the real test stand. So my only wish is to correct the resistance of the wire.
My study...