Hey Toost, started out on Unigraphics version 6 in 1990. Got this from the person I replaced.
NX 2306 Windows 10https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=d4be7578-c373-4b42-8b31-96e4dfaa9dc1&file=thumbnail_1000002615.jpg
The frequency of these errors is increasing when trying to edit features. This is not part specific and part cleanup does not fix, only closing and re-opening the files and or session. The listing below shows an error very shortly after opening the session and only doing a few edits.
Has anyone...
Thanks for the reply. We also have some non-cad users on laptops on windows 11 who are also seeing odd issues such as the cursor disappearing when using windows explorer, that's why I'm pursuing this line first.
NX 2306 Windows 10
We recently had to replace a windows 10 laptop running NX 2306 with a windows 11 laptop running NX 2306. Some of the issues we started seeing on the new laptop is the cursor disappearing when using file explorer which seems to be a windows bug. However, NX will close without warning when running...
Hey cad2015, how do you count other systems? The beginning was Autocad 2.6 on dos 2.3 to Autocad 10 on windows 3.1. Ancient history. Currently it's just NX, Solidworks, and Alibre Design Expert. There are others on the forum who are versed in many more and it's fun lurking here learning from...
If you're moving an imported dumb solid move face with selection set to feature can be used, otherwise if it is a parameterized model move face with boss or pocket faces can be used, just pick one of the outside faces that is obviously not a boss or pocket.
NX 2306 Windows 10
When typing an expression or formula into an input for dimension in the new sketcher, whenever a letter that is a hotkey is pressed it cancels the input and jumps to the hotkey function.
Example, this is similar to what I wanted to type.
what happens is when the "t"...
In utilizing parameter tables in library parts it is some times necessary to reorder them so they make more sense. The only way I've found to do this is to export the ones to be moved then importing from file in the new order.
Has anyone found an easier way to do this?
NX 2306 Windows 10
Update, decided to use pattern feature with a linear definition and a boundary using a face to control the feature. This makes the most flexible and stable feature for a shape which can change dramatically.
NX 2306 Windows 10
I'm looking to:
1. create a sketch on a flat face of undetermined shape and size
2. face may or may not contain one or more holes (openings)
3. create a boundary with said face edges
4. fill boundary with a pattern of curves that stay within
5. use sketch to create 3d geometry as a...
@cowski, you were absolutely right about not being able to find the "model-plain-1-inch-template.prt". This file was in the startup directory, but it was the "ugs_model_templates.pax" file in the startup directory that was the issue. Still not sure what about the "pax" file was the problem...
Tested this again today, this journal runs without issues in 2212 but errors out in 2306. It depends on a specific directory structure and errors out and any project, so it doesn't look like a file system issue.
Thanks in advance for any help.
'NX 12
'journal creates burn assembly from...