swimfar, thanks for replying. MSC Dytran is a non-linear explicit code.
This is taken directly from the Dytran Theory Manual about using First Invariant of Stress. Please let me know if I'm interpreting the text incorrectly.
I am learning MSC Dytran through our MSC reseller. The problems we are going through are explicit non-linear cases (like a dropping ball tearing through a thin plate).
The stress output being referred is "Equivalent Stress". Up on further reading, it seems that Dytran is referring the...
Hello folks,
I am looking for good introductory drafting/drawing tutorial or courses per ASME standards? Most of the courses I've seen are courses of GD&T per AMSE standards. I am looking for more basic drafting tutorials. Also any good resources which would illustrate differences between ISO &...
We are gonna use a container which will need to separate after launching. The concept we've arrived at is similar to Rocket Payload Fairing separation i.e. the two halves held together will separate. We are not using pyro-bolts due to safety reasons but something similar mechanism. Now we...
I am not necessarily looking for an ASME document providing tolerance ranges for metric dimensions...want reference of an ASME document giving ranges even for English units is fine.
Didn't want to create another thread for this. ISO 2768 gives guidelines on tolerances for linear & angular dimensions. Is there an equivalent standrard available in ASME?
^^Burunduk, I made an omission in my drawing. All the hole dimensions include TYP call-outs. So it seems like above method is indeed allowed within ASME regulations.
I added TYP texts in Powerpoint...thus the misalignment
Thanks for your reply
We received a drawing from a vendor...the drawing below is just for illustration of what I wanted to ask
I noticed the hole on the right is not dimensioned...he explained that since he has drawn a centreline in the middle (I forgot to dimension it), it automatically means that all dimensions...
Hi Greg,
I have put in a request to get access to that paper through our institution.
Basically, I want to get an idea of the arrangement of primary structures inside the UAV. Also I just suggested Switchblade as an example...could be of any drone in that particular configuration. Also not...
I am looking for cutaway diagram for small tube launched drones/munitions like Switchblade 300 (could be a drone of any class)...basically want to get an idea of internal structures arrangement for drones which have folded wing mechanism. Any open source papers or thesis recommendations...
I got a couple of questions in Catia V5 CPE...
Firstly, I am trying to generate a solid laminate using Grid methodology for a UAV wing skin. Typical wing skin with "pads" (beefed up region) at locations where ribs & spars attach & "pockets" between the stiffeners. I using a combination of Catia...
^^Thanks for your reply. It was definitely helpful. Need to explore option #3... We have a couple of full Catia license and so that is certainly not an issue...knowledge & time...now those are different aspects. Are there any good & easy tutorials you'd recommend to get started on KWA Knowledgeware?
Hi LWolf,
Thanks for your reply. Let me repeat my question with an example
Lets say that I have sketched the above rectangle and have projected it on to a support. And I want to select/extract the two sides (pointed by arrows). How do I go about it? Because Project does not contain any...
I wanted to get some tips on good modeling practices in Catia V5 (or 3DExperience as well)...
Let me ask my question through an issue I am facing. Firstly, I am using mainly Generative Shape Design and some part design workbenches to accomplish my model. Trying to model some custom gills like...
In Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench, what are the differences between "wall on edge" & "flange" commands?
Up on some research, I think one of the difference is that in flange command, the radius of the bend can be modified while in Wall on Edge, the bend radius is taken from the...