The Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates (available from now have additional return intervals for 200, 500, and 1000. Any chance these will be added to the Table Lookup Storm events. Also the estimates given in the download table are slightly different...
Follow up on Peter's comment on the manual hydrograph. I have updated all 15 rainfall events and pared the hydrographs down to a maximum of 341 records for the 5hr events. There is now no delay when selecting Edit for any of the Links in my projects.
Thanks for the reply. I did not think about the delays being caused by the manual hydrographs, but it makes perfect sense now. The hydrographs are cut and paste from HEC-HMS with a 10 sub-basin model and several small reservoirs and reach routings. I only have the 5 node version of...
When I right click on the Link and select Edit. Here is one of the Project files.
Has anyone else experience a delay editing a Link? Delay is around 30 seconds, not a huge delay, but longer than other elements. The Links are not tied to any other projects. HydroCAD v 10.10-5a Five Node. Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, 32GB RAM, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
I am trying to keep the slope on a reach based on a cross-section to lock. I enter the data for Inlet Invert, Slope, and then lock the slope, apply the changes. When I go back into edit the reach, the locks are open and the slope has changed. I have also tried locking both the Outlet Invert...
I have been working on a Texas Comission on Enviromental Qualtiy (TCEQ) Dam Breach Hydrologic & Hydrologic Analysis and had modeled the area above the dam as a single sub-basin as a catchment, the lake as a pond, and the dam spillway and breach as outlets of the pond. Peter Smart added the TCEQ...
I am working on a Dam Breach analysis for a small dam in Southlake TX. "The Hydrologic and Hydraulic Guidelines for Dams in Texas" by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) states in section 8.4 Dam-Breach Models "For existing small or intermediate size dams, regardless of hazard...
I know the rectangular Dam Breach Outlet is in the very extensive Help file, but (IMHO) it might be useful to also mention it in the Documentation. Or even a data check of (Notch Angle) .LE. 0 or Null ==> Rectangular Breach Outlet.
Thanks. I read the manual and the error message was pretty clear, but I did not read the Help display. I will always start there before posting any more questions.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Dam Safety Program document GI-364 "Hydrologic and Hydraulic Guidelines for Dams in Texas" 8.3 Breach Parameters / Breach Configuration (Embankments) requires a breach width minimum of 3 times the height of water being impounded and vertical...
The model, in the state that is was posted, was an attempt to match some earlier work where I put the breach on the spillway, but did not trigger it until the water was about two feet over the spillway invert of 624.8 ft. The intent of the next model was to vary the breach location/elevation...
I only get Warning 95 when I route the flow through the individual outlets (which also happened in your webinar on Dam Breach). The "significant difference" I noted in the original message was due to not all the settings being identical. The inflows I am having to run are starting to cause...