Lets say i have a 10 diameter hole and 8 diameter pin
now i want this pin inside hole(not concentric) moving freely inside the hole (like what happens in real life)
how can i do this in assembly?
Is there a way to merge faces(created by fillets mostly) to merge as a one face?to have better and smoother part(for examle a part like this pic)
Stick. tnx but it seems overload properties only works for assembly and not for parts.(it was useful anyway)
rickyt this is exacly what i want to do can you tell me how you add constrains between 2D geometry and drawing because when i try i only get fix option(tangency cant be applied)
hi there
is there a way to add a line-circle-point to drafting views that has constrains with drafted lines?
for example i have a part like this
now i want to have a circle inside.like this...
hi there
i come across a file at work that has tree like the uploaded pic.
they designed a forge part in one body and then add it to a another body as a solid
then for example add a hole to that solid
now if i change the external diameter of forge part(first body) the second body will change too...
i want to do a multi section between two section(a circle and rectangle) with two guides(a line at top and a curve in bottom) after doing this edges on the right and leftbecame curved instead of going straight.(without guides it is fine and straight)...
hi there
I like to have my parts at upper and lower tolerances(biggest and smallest part possible at defined tolerances)or(max and min weight)
by having these cad files i can compare machining steps(in drafting) and make sure that process is ok and there will be no problem in machining process...