This is an example from the Doc. Mgr API help file. We have several files with the custom property of by_date filled out as a text type. I need to change this to a date type. This code works but I am having an issue. If I run the code and check the results by RMB clicking on the file in Win...
You have to select below and to the left because the text was rotated 180 deg. Odd thing about SW.
I find it easier to use a construction line to help control the location of text.
Draw a construction line then enter the sketch text command, in the box that says curves select the sketch line.
Yes that inserts the hole table.
It doesn't have to but I don't have a anchor point set so I would rather let the user position it wherever they need it to be.
I've written a macro that insterts a hole table as part of a bigger program that I'm working on.
The issue is I want to hide the table after it is inserted but have the origin shown.
I can't seem to find the code to do that.
Below is the code to insert the table any help would be appreciated...
I'm pretty sure it will go back to what TheTick was talking about (internal ID's) will be different.
You can accept the error but you might have some mates to fix.
I hope this helps, I will try to help where I can.
This does use the SW Document Manager so you will have to contact SW to get a key if you don't have one.
we had a similar issue where we needed to change a location of a shared forlder that a lot of files were being referenced from. We wrote a macro that read the assembly references and listed them out. We then looked into the new directory to see if we could find the exact same file name match...
That will give you the arc centerpoints as well. Which they are not wanting.
What I would like is to have the user select each point and then let the macro capture the coords. of each. Also we have more than 1 sketch so if it could allow user to get into another sketch that would be great.
Here's what I've done.
In C:\My Stuff\Ref Test\Original I have: Assm1, Part1, Part2, & Part3. Also, I have new folder
In C:\My Stuff\Ref Test\Replaced I have: Part1, Part2, & Part3.
If I run my macro then I move the part files in the Original folder to folder C:\My Stuff\Ref...
The rebuilds are not necessary.
I'm beginning to believe that it is not possible to rereference an assembly to parts in a different location with the same name. It can be done in Solidworks using the open dialog and selecting references. I've done that.
The first code I posted works if the...
Since this is regarding the same topic I thought I would add to this post.
The below code is part of a much bigger macro. Basically what I'm trying to accomplish is changing a file reference. What we've done is 1) Read the children from an assembly. 2) Look in directory (x) and see if any of...
I am testing the following code (from SW). The code does work if I put in the line swDoc.SaveAs I don't want to do because it seems kind-of like bad coding. I don't want to have to saveas the same file. I appears that is a valid option but the references do not change. Any idea of...
Lets say that I have groups 1. Also I have group A and B which is a sub group of group 1. Sometimes I may want to notify all of group 1 which would include group A and B. Other time I may only want to notify group B but not all of group 1. I hope that makes since.