When you are doing a copy/replicate, SAP2000 provides you the option to change a lot of options. See "Replicate Options/Modify Show Replicate Options" for more details. Make sure you copy the "Section Properties" of the current section, otherwise SAP2000 will set this to default section...
For SS beam, create a point near each support, SAP reports displacement at joints. If you restrain Joint, No displacement.
Step 1, i = (0,0,0), J= (5,0,0) length = 5'
Step 2: under load, i+di = (0.01,0,0) j +dj = (5.05,0,0), Note sap reported disp are based on initail co-ordinates
Step 3...
In the past I tried to do the same, No Luck :(. SAP doesn't report strain directly. You need to do post processing to arrive at that.
Step 1. Find Initial position of i and j nodes of sap - Arrive at Initial Length
Step 2. From the displacement + initial coordinates, calculate the...
Hi All,
Please share if you came across any reliable method of copying load case etc. which are geometry independent from one model to another. I know we can do this using IDE but looking for a more efficient menthod.
Thanks in advance!
1. ret = SapObject.sapmodel.File.OpenFile(chemin & "\" & nom_fichier & ".[highlight #FCE94F]bdb[/highlight]"), This should be .sdb.
2. Remove reference to previous versions, if any.
From your question "I have assigned hinges to columns and beams (relative distance 0 and 1)". Can you give it a try using 0.05 and 0.95 as the location of hinges. Can you upload the model? Did you checked wether the model is Illconditioned?
Hi CWEngineer,
Have a look at the webpage,
Do you building have identical configuration in plan?
Check the seismic mass definitions,Loads on the structure.
Height and stiffness of the building greatly influence roof displacement. Base shear is mainly influenced by seismic weight of the building.
I came across a "warning" when using "Multi-threaded solver". SAP2000 reports structure is ill conditioned/unstable and suggests using "Standard solver". See the attached screenshot for warning message. When I analysed the same model using Advanced/Standard solver not even a single...
There is a couple of options,
1. We can use section designer, but SAP2000 does not consider the contribution of reinforcement is deflection calculation etc..(as far as I know)
2. We can use section property modifiers to tweak the structural behavior. For example you can calculate approximate...
Hi, This can be done in a couple of ways,
1. Use show slab design (display tab i guess) and enter your current reinforcement, SAFE 2014 provides you with the additional reinforcement requirment
2. Use Draw rebar option
I am not an expert in SAFE, Dont believe me until you convince yourself by...
Hello, I am trying to model an existing RC building. My intention is to predict the deflections of the existing member under a load test. I am using SAP2000 to model elements using "Section Designer" so that we can capture contribution from reinforcement. I notice that the deflection calculation...