KYOTO PROTOCOL. We in the U.S. will try to comply to environmental laws if we agree to put it into effect. Only a very few of the signatories to the Kyoto agreement are following the protocol. It is all politics, this is just one of the reasons why we did not sign the agreement. Countries...
I grew up in a country in Asia where you could go to jail for criticizing the people in power. Every time I see people demonstrating here in the U.S. on how evil this country is, it verifies to me how great this country is. The right to speak freely is openly practiced in only a...
Point well taken, I never worked in a union shop but my wife did for about two years then she quit out of frustration because good job performance was not a factor in pay raises or promotions. You have a point wherein companies use the union as a tool to get people to do their bidding...
No offense taken, I'm just highlighting the positives. And no, I'm not as prosperous as the Engineers-in-coveralls but I do have great job satisfaction. Yes, companies are outsourcing our jobs overseas for the sake of the bottomline and it sucks. All their talk of being a good...
I'm not worried.....there will always be a need for onsite Engineers. The only people who should be truly worried are those who prefer to work exclusively in an airconditioned office environment and also the mediocre ones. I'm working fulltime but have been all over the world (except Eastern...
I don't like unions because they expend their resources on politics instead of the little guy and they are abusive of their powers. Notice that the union leadership spends membership money on their generous expense accounts. But unions are a counterbalance to abusive management. So.... where...
Reading about the Deepwater and hiring core people is not enough. You also need to visit established facilities and ask question on how they run things. It will give you an idea of what you need to do. Sitting in a conference room listening to a bunch of experts might give you a...
Most turbines also have an impact sensor during transport. It is a way for the OEM to see if their machine was dropped or something similar just in case a major failure happens during commissioning, for insurance purposes
I do not wish unions to go away because I grew up in an Asian country where business is almighty. On the other hand, unions have become almighty and abusive themselves. Unions have become a tool for union leaders to enrich themselves financially and powerwise. I am for unions if they truly...
I dunno, criticizing the U.S. for its failures is fashionable nowadays but life here is so fun and so much freedom! I left the Asian country I grew up in because I could be thrown in jail if I criticize. Maybe it's the reason I immigrated here and never looked back. So let's all lighten up...
Office politics will never go away, just do your job, develop a thick skin. When I was in the Navy, I worked under what you call a backstabbing boss. I thought the Department Head believed all the BS directed against me. But I was wrong, the Dept Head also has a boss and his performance is...
One of my first job interviews after retiring from the military was with the railroad company serving Southern California. There were five interviewers, one of them the union rep and he had full voting powers on who to hire. Of course I did my song & dance routine of how I will use my military...
OOOPs, looks like someone already beat me to the Capstone info, sorry. BTW, if you happen to be in Panama City, Florida, visit the Navy base there and ask if you can tour a Hovercraft. They have two onboard 60KW microturbines made by TurboMach