I received an update notice from exida regarding their software and am wondering if anyone else is concerned. I have to go through several files to verify every single SIL / SIS loop I have worked on in the last 6 months. If I find discrepancies, I will have to notify clients which has the...
Rockwell has a software package that I believe is an add on for the RSView. Wonderware also has one as well (SCADAlarm). I have not used either one, but it would check them out. It will save the cost of wiring and DO modules but you will need a modem.
From what I investigated, they will send...
If I understand you correctly, you want to monitor points within the the relay circuit and not install secondary monitoring points (i.e. switches). I have seen this done on several relay based systems, and if planned out right, actually provides a very good annunciation system.
I am not...
I have just gone through a similar situation, except that human safety was/is involved. The advice I got was #1 - be professional. Tell it like it is, no personal comments only facts. #2 - back up anything you say with facts. Use reference materials, etc. so that it takes the focus off of...
What we did in that situation is put in a bypass around the analyzer, set to operate after the process has shutdown. The procedure is to use a Draeger to sample the gas and once the content was lower than the bypass trip point, then the analyzer could be brought back online.
My comment "Safety is being compromised for the sake of economics" was meant for that particular situation and not meant as a generality. We cannot remove all risk from any situation. What we can do is manage it and reduce our exposure to risk by taking certain steps, in this particular case...
I am more familiar with the Bhopal accident, so my comments will relate to that.
You are correct that the SIS did not cause the accident at Bhopal - it never had a chance to - it was turned off because someone saw a way to save some money. Recommendations for further mitigation...
I am another that does not have an appreciation for the calculations and work involved (i.e. I am one of those idiots who hopes the bridge stays up when I drive on it). What I do have an appreciation for is our obligation: moral, legal AND ethical to do everything in our...
Good topic.
Risk vs. Reward: An analysis needs to be done to find out what the likelihood of that particular wind angle is. If the risk is within acceptable limits, then fine, but it is a management decision. You have done your due diligence and I agree with dtn, document EVERYTHING. Take...
From what I have seen, the program is effective for those who choose to follow it. I believe the intent is to create a corporate culture of safety.
I also believe that the biggest issue is enforcement. There are too many facilities and the enforcement agency is forced into reactive mode.
First of all, you will need to contact the governing body in the province, i.e. in Alberta, it is APEGGA, Ontario is PEO, etc.
I don't know for sure, but I am almost positive you will have to challenge as I don't believe that you can get full credit for your education. Don't ask me...
Ashereng: Thank you... you are correct, if this story is in fact true, then we all have reason to be concerned.
The IEC standard is starting to gain acceptance in Canada but not on a broad scale. It is reasonable to say that if company A follows it as "good practice" then that is...
I was not commenting on whether the IEC standard(s) should or should not be used (personally, I believe they should). I was looking for information to see if the story I heard was true. If it is, then precedence has been set in Canada and all engineers should be aware.
Like I said...
I recently heard of a story in Ontario Canada where an engineer was disciplined (either by the professional engineers of Ontario or in a court case) for an error. The subject of IEC 61511 came up as a question "it is used in other jurisdictions, why didnt you use it?".
I was wondering...
Are you sure that the controller needs to be SIL 2? An easier way would be to install a separate pressure SIF independent of the PID controller and implement that within your logic solver.
I agree with Ashereng... any PID is somewhat programmable and even changing the tuning parameters...
If I interperet your posting correctly, it appears you are trying to decipher what should shutdown on a plant wide ESD button?
These are not usually included in a PHA or SIL assessment. These are typically treated as panic buttons that are manually activated in the case of an...
I have recently seen an IFE failure that is a cause for concern (due to the application). In this failure, the IFE stopped updating the processor. Attempts to download the configuration to try to "jump-start" the module failed. It was basically a dead stick. Critical points from...
All languages will perform and come up with the same (or similar) end result. The most important thing to remember is your audience (i.e. who will work on the system after it is commissioned?). If you are called back to work on the system in 2 years or 5 years from now, how long will...
There are many manufacturers that make a transmitter to meet a SIL 2 application (most state: in a simplex configuration) and a SIL 3 application in a redundant configuration.