Dear All,
I am trying to model a composite material. I have the properties along the fibre material but when I need to input the properties of material model I can only do it for the x and y axes. Is it possible to change the orientation of the axes? If so how can I do it?
Many thanks in...
Dear all,
I am performing an analysis which is very long (at least 7 days) and needs to be improved.
I am modelling a quarter of the plate with a crack which is propagating from the centre with a very fine mesh and a cyclic load applied. The material is plastic.
There are any option in ABAQUS...
Dear all,
Is it possible in ABAQUS to start an analysis which has already compleated from a defined step adding different load and condition?
Thanks in advance,
Dear all,
Is there any undo command for abaqus? For examples I delete a part in my model from the tree scheme in CAE but I want to undo my action. Is it possible to recor the part that I just delete?
Dear all,
I tried to use an hard modified contact interaction property, but the error persists and is the "Severe discontinuity iteration". According to the contact algorithm in 12.4.5 of the ABAQUS docomentation if there are changes in contact then it does not even check the equilibrium.
Dear all,
I have some convergence problem with a contact analysis. I run the model of a quarter of the plate applying a cyclic load for each node. After one cycle I release the node from its symmetry and I apply the cycle at the following node. I put an analytical surface in the symmetry line...
Rmettier, thanks a lot for the advice which have been usefull.
I run a similar script to print in output in a txt file the displacement of my odb file. It seems that it worked for one case but when I used another odb file the displacements are all zero. I used the same script changing the odb...
Thanks a lot for the advice and the script example.
Since I am new to python I still have a couples of questions that could sound silly for you.
How can I run the script example? from the shell python GUI? The results were will be printed?
Thanks again!
Dear all,
Is there any method to estract the data from an odb file? For example I would like to extract the stresses value along a certain path wich I have to define from the odb file. But I have to search for different step as well and that will be a very long process if I have to doit...
Dear all,
I am doing a plastic analaysis using S4R elements. The previous resutls show that the S_op will change wheather using plane stress or plane strain condition. I search on the manual but I could not find weather S4R can be considered as plane stress condition or plane strain condition...
Dear all,
I am doing an elastic perfect plastic analysis applying a cyclic load. I am doing a quarter of plate with a notch in the centre applying symmetric boundary condition. I am loading 10% of the load each time and so for the unloading. I can not finish the analysis becase of convergence...
Dear all,
I am modeling a crack which starts from the edge of a plate with a hole inside. When the crack reaches a certain distance behind the crack tip there is a mterial compenetration. How can I avoid this over closure effects?
thanks a lot,
Dear Corus,
I input the temperature as a predefined field in the initial step and then let propagates in the other steps but is not influencing the analysis. The stress analysi is the same as the temperature is not been inputted. What i am doing wrong?
Dear all,
I would like to make a thermal analysis by inputting a tempreature as a load and see the following distribution of stresses. When I create a new step I choose the option to make a coupled temperature-displacement analysis which give the option to choose some heat flux rather then a...
...boundary conditions, etc.) for unmeshed regions.
The job input file "contact.inp" has been submitted for analysis.
Error in job contact: in keyword *RIGIDBODY, file "contact.inp", line 10004: Unknown assembly set _PICKEDSET56
Hallo everybody,
I would like to know how to make a contact with a plate and a line with rigid elements. The erroro message says me that some elements are not defined. Such elements are that one of the line, but they are rigid elements. Which kind of properties I should apply?