I was in this exact situation last spring. The company that I was applying for had multiple openings and I was interested in several. I finally decided to apply for the one that I was the most qualified for and I informed HR when they called that I would be interested in the other positions as...
Do you have microprocessor based relays on the system already? What type of plant? What are you really wanting to do with the information? Both of the previous posts are right, many more questions need to be answered but it is hard to say if 5000 points is excessive without more information.
Ok , I have found the issue, but I can't figure out what is wrong - I have attached the MathCAD file now. Thanks again for the assistance.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=e3308ceb-c7ec-493b-a10f-164e90ed73f7&file=Polar_Plotting_Issue.xmcd
spc300, thanks for the reply. I was cleaning up the file to post (had to remove certain info) and I somehow fixed it?!
I will now have to troubleshoot this! Thanks again.
I am trying to plot phasors (A-,B-,C-phase voltages) in Mathcad 14 on the same polar plot. When I try to add more than one voltage to the plot, it shows the symbol at the origin but will not plot it correctly. Anyone else run across this problem?
IMHO - I would contact the state PE board about filling a complaint - their firm is licensed with them, so I am sure they will have something to say about their ethics (or lack there of). It doesn't matter that it was the HR person, the firm has responsibilities per the state licensing.
Not knowing the application does make it difficult to answer, but another consideration might be arc flash hazards. Just one more thing to consider (assuming it applies here).
I was having a conversation with a vendor today and he stated that you could layer FR clothing to get the desired FR rating. For instance, if the arc flash hazard is 59 cal/cm2 then you could wear 12 cal/cm2 coveralls and a 55 cal/cm2 suit (12 + 55 = 67 > 59).
I have never heard this and...
rockman7892, you are correct - in coming back and forth to this over my day, I got turned-around. Sorry.
Here are the SEL-387E LV side wiggley-squiggleys (as my old boss used to say). I have also plotted the neutral current and it does reach around 2000A after...
dpc, if I am reading the drawings correctly, the SEL-501 is actually measuring the current through the 400A grounding resistor via the Channel Y B-Phase input of the relay.
rockman7892, I missed the SEL-501 files earlier so thanks.
I might be missing something, but I have attached plots so that you can at least see the relay operations. The SEL-501 that is on the Y-ground recorded approximately 200A of ground fault current and was tripped by the 51P element...
Did the SEL-501 on the transformer ground trip? Did it capture an event file?
Can you please provide it if it did - this will help substantiate the 2000A claim.
One thing to think about is how much of your personal life you want to share with others - for a top secret background check they will look at much of it. My wife was interviewed when her ex-husband was getting his clearance and they had been divorced for years. She said that they asked about...
Zogzog & WDeanN, ok maybe my memory is failing me again then - I was also a REAL submariner (SSN-648 & then the luxury of SSN-724).
Hard to believe I look back fondly on those days now! I just remember that most had gone home before we could have the reactor shut-down.