An engineer at my company learned to use AutoTurn at a previous place, for designing and determining turning radii for vehicles (fire trucks, 18-wheelers, etc.) to access any given project site. We inquired as to the price of the AutoTurn program, and for the frequency with which we would use...
At least when a plan has a graphic scale drawn on it, that can help in enlarging or reducing it on a photocopier. Or if there are some real numbers, like a line marked "7.65 feet." I've sometimes photocopied my engineers scale, reducing or enlarging it to match a drawing's graphic scale, if...
Some years ago, I acquired a metal engineers scale at a second-hand shop for about $10(US) which is stamped with a patent date of 1879. It has 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 scales on it. A bit worn, mostly to the outer finish. It looks like it is probably brass with a brittanic silver (I think...
A block can have some very strange attributes of which an ACAD user may be unaware, especially if you weren't the one who created it in the first place. I've been interested in creating blocks with attributes, but haven't had much success with getting legible instructions (that is, instructions...
"Purge" is a good reminder. Otherwise, the insert command will keep going back to the old block. (We all know this - sometimes, we just forget about it for a little while ... )
In the coal-mining districts in the UK, a lot of narrow-gauge railroads (2-foot) were developed in the early 19th Century. That gauge may have been dictated by the tight spaces inside the mine shafts where the rails were laid. This reason for narrow-gauge is my thinking, but I don't know much...
It all makes me appreciate more the program hosted by James Burke on public TV called "Connections." Marvelous stuff, making the connections and relationships between old discoveries and inventions and modern-day discoveries and inventions. Truly we all stand on the shoulders of giants.
Ultimately, it is a balance between drafters having some idea of WHAT they are drafting, and/or designers/engineers having some idea of HOW they are drafting. If the two work together and talk over design and drafting issues for any given project, the resulting plan will benefit. As a drafter...
The project manager went with ductile iron, which is available enough (we use it for water mains). CMP probably would be cheaper. Not my call, however.
The website referenced by "canman" is appreciated. I've checked it out, and printed out the technical report for future use.
Thanks to...
You should find a hatch pattern for glass under
"bhatch\quick\(click the dotted button to the right of the pattern box)\custom"
and one of the patterns listed there is "glass."
(Or am I being too obvious and you've already gone there and looked at this and are looking somewhere else?) These...
We are designing a driveway under which we need to put a 12" dia. PVC culvert. Can anyone suggest a website where we can find a table that shows minimum cover for H-10 or H-20 loading, for Sch. 40 PVC or Sch. 80 PVC, etc.?
...Explorer, so our .bak files show up only in Windows Explorer. Then, while in Windows Explorer, we can delete the .bak files either through a "*.bak" search option, "arrange icons by type" option, or others as suggested here. We do sometimes want our .bak drawing. If we need a drawing that's...
from IFRs: "Who uses F1 anyway???"
More of us would probably use "Help" if it were helpful. I've never found it to be any help, probably because I am a computer dolt, and between that and the badly written English used in the Help descriptions, I usually don't have a clue what I am being...
Jersey barriers aren't pretty, but they are functional. If aesthetics are a concern, as well as protection of the luminaire, curbing and bollards may be in order.
Depending upon the local regulations, the length of the driveway, width, its use (private or public, one owner, or shared by two or more homeowners), etc., might require a turning radius or a hammerhead turnaround large enough to accommodate a fire engine/ladder truck. Check with your local...
I hope your new drafter is at least familiar with CAD drafting, and using offsets and O-snap commands to get parallel linework and so forth. If your new drafter is brand-new to drafting in general, it's going to be a long trail to proficient CAD drafting, no matter the branch of engineering...
A possible new factor in detrimental freezing issues with septic tanks has begun to occur in the past couple of years. This past winter, there were several local instances of septic tanks freezing here in Massachusetts. Granted, it was a cold winter, but it wasn't the worst in recent memory by...
Of course, if it is this difficult to get non-existent information on 500-year flooding, whatever the engineer extrapolates maybe acceptable by the City, as long as he or she has something to show for the estimates. The City may only argue the estimates if the City engineer(s) has done some...