Can soemone help me with the best books to prepare for California PE Exam?
I guess the one by Lidburgh will cover the general civil engineering topics well. But how about seismic and surveying? Please give me name of only one or two best exam preparation book on these topics.
Is there any publication/article where I can find a detailed methodology and setting of seismic activity monitoring system? If I have to start with a problem to check/monitor the seismic activity of an area, and even make do I start with? Is there any articel/book that can...
How can I find out whether California PE liscence is validated in other states? California has minimum years of experience if I get PE from CA and try to tranfer it to say, IL; will IL accept it although my experience doesn't make me eligible for IL PE exam?
I am despeartely looking for case studies or failure/interaction analysis of the wire mesh reinforcement in a fine grained/cohesive backfill in a MSE wall. It is very urgent. I will really apppreciate if someone can help me out to find related articles. All I could find till now was with...
Thanks BigH and amanpreet.
amanpreet, I have already considered the density and friction angle factors....I am looking for a different kind of effect that leaves a residual lateral pressure even after the compacting force (or overburden)is removed (I assume that case exists).
Any more help is...
How does compaction of fill affect the lateral presssure on a rigid/fixed retaining wall? Besides the change in density and therefore the overall vertical pressure and change in the friction angle value, is there anything else that will affect the value of coffiecient of lateral pressure? If...
well, i am taking a different approach for my problem. can anyone suggest where i can find the phi and tensile strength for various types of rocks.
thank you everyone, with all the help and brain storming i did finally design it as a regular slab.
flamby, my present design is almost like what you have suggested. thanks again.
I have a slab which is 6 feet thick. Using 50 ksi bars, i need to put minimum steel percent = 0.2% for shrinkage crack control. This is extremely high (because slab is so thick)and my design for moment does not require even 1/10th reinforcemnt of that.
1. Do I still have to give 0.2% steel even...
Well, the slab size does look wierd. It is actually a cover a huge mine shaft which cannot be backfilled. The traditional method is to put a plug (unreinforced) into the shaft where the plug would be as thick as the width of the shaft. However, in this case, I feel more comfortable designing...
I could not find ACI design specifications for two-way single-span slab simply supported on all sides.
Can anyone help? Specific design example would be very helpful. Or please tell me the books I can refer to.
1. how to calculate the maximum moment in this case?
2. how/where to find moment and...
Can someone tell me where I can find design procedure for single span slab, simply supported (on beams) on all four sides? The condition is like a simply supported cover for a concerete tank.
Also, how do I calaculate momemnt coefficient? My length to breadth ratio is 1.
Thanks rchanke for your valuable advise. Since I don't know what's inside the mineshaft, I will try with hollow stem auger(previous experience on site shows the rubble might be soft enough). In that case, I would like to know if the same auger stem could be used to pressure grout the mineshaft...
Can hollow stem augers be used to grout shafts in subsidence areas? Is yes, is there any specific minimum rig size?
Also are these able to drill through all kinds of rubbles including concrete?
I would like to know typical vlaues for
1. resilient mudulus for asphalt concrete for arterial/collector roads(lower class highways)
2. resilient modulus of soil cement base.
Please help.
Thank you for your suggestion. Even when I find Mr(resilient mod.) value for the existing layer, I do not know reliability factor (which I will assume anyways) and old ESAL which I will need to find the SN.
Is it okay to just design for the new pavement starting from the basics (but keeping the...
If there is a pavement which has been made 10 years back but none of its design specifications and other design data are avaiable now. Traffic has increased tremendously over these years. the exisiting pavement does show some stress cracks but is still fuctioning.
So, my question is is there...