Make sure that under file properties you have update weight on save turned on else the weight will always need to be updated manually....
File - properties - Weight tab.....
Those are the database attributes and must exist. I usually set $B2 = $A2 within the first 2 columns of your part family template so that I dont have to mess with then.
DB_Part_NO is your P/N
DB_Part_Name basically points to the same.
I think truly that these are for the Native PS...
As long as your config files are set correctly inside of TCUA then this is relatively easy
See attached image. But essentially it is expanding the Item Revisions that you are interested in and then right clicking and sending to Lifecycle Viewer...
I am currently working to implement my material library XMLs file within NX MP2. I have worked to configure these series of files over years and built them up according to internal materials used at our facility. Something like 90K options (only because of the way...
Remembering constraints works, but the axial geometry isn't "keeping". It always defaults to "Use Geometry" when I want it to stay as "infer center/axis" for my Align constriant.
Working in NX6.0.5.3 MP3
Our previous part fams were built on mating conditions. I am new to the role and was asked to lead up the NX6 implementaiton to our site(serves app. 400 daily NX users). NX6 was deployed sucessfuly and we have been using it since June. I am now trying to...