I'm running a simulation using ADAMS in which,
I tired to run the vehicle over a gradient of 17 deg.
when I was changing the road friction from 0.5 to 0.4 vehicle was only able to climb upto a certain distance(say 15m).
Gradient is same in both the simulation, so C.G shifting will be same...
Thanks for your reply. So, how can I Change the orientation of the tire and road which in practical perpendicular to each other, since while creating tire and road in A/view, using default euler angle(0,0,0) and location (0,0,0) for both tire and road could create both parallel to each other. So...
I mean changing the orientation(euler angle) of the tires such as pac 2002 model to suit my vehicle model makes no contact between tire and road it actually penetrating into the road and falling down due to gravity.
I need to know while working in Adams/View changing the orientation of the tire and road according to our vehicle orientation could cause any problem?.
if yes how could we solve this problem?