Great reply Cowski¡¡
Unfortunately you are right and the most of annotations get lost… I find NX must fix this issue because in my sector this command isusually used.
Other programsd as Catia V5 has this point fixed sucessfully....
Anyway I apreciate all the suppport¡
Hello Ronald,
Thank you for your reply but I am not sure to understand you...
I will repeat the issue with a new picture; My design has a couple of a very similar parts ( part 1 & part 2)
and I must create a single drawing detail of each one I order to be able to launch and mechanised it…...
I work with assemblies, but when I make the drawings and I want to replace the 3d component in the drawings along aplication Asembly--> Replace component ( within drawing environment).
Unfortunately when I run the application, it doesn´t allow me to pick any component….. I attach an image...
I´m working with NX 10 with a lot of drawings of a very similar 3d models. When I try to replace component in a existing drawing
I find that the application doesn´t work properly...I am not able to pick the component to be replaced.
Anybody knows if this application can be used in this...
Thank you for the info, however, I think that the problem is that in the moment to export through "export as dxf" command the 2d, 3d is linked also...
Dos exist any command to export only the views of the drawings?
I have a problem ibn the moment when I´m exporting drawing in NX11 to dwg: when I open the dwg file each view keeps the view frame
and if I remove this frame view is removed..Does exist any parameter to remove this option ( EXPORT WITHOUT VIEW FRAME) when I am exporting to deg from NX...
Unfortunetely I suspected the same....however in catia in these cases the view icon appears broken.
I thought that maybe the views were locked....
Thank you very much for your support¡
Hello, first of all thanks a lot for your proptly reply.
Yes, the drawings are made before remaking the 3d.Nowadays I am followig these steps:
- new ug drawing and copy and paste the drawings from converted file
- after remaking 3d , replace the father of the views.
-After that the drawings...
Nowadays I am working in a very ugly issue: converting catia files to Ug files through an special translator. Unfortunately I have a problem : the drawings are not linked to 3d. In these cases I am remaking the 3d but when I replace the 3d the drawings seems tk be locked. I mean, when 3d...
I would like to know if is it posible to change the support of a sketch once it has been made.
I mean, for example, I have made an extrude through a sketch supported in a lateral face but unfortunately I was wrong
and I must change the support of this sketch...
Is there any way to change...
First of all, thanks a lot for your support¡
I followed your instructions and it worked almost 100% but I have a problem.
Nowadays I am working in a project to Daimler and consequently I must work under Daimler enviroment in NX...
So once I make the copy Daimler gives a special numbering...
In the most of cases my option would be:
If you want it to be a new component to modify, make unique and modify;
Please could you explain me step by step how could I "make unique and modify" a component?
Thanks a lot in advance for all your support¡
First of all, thanks a lot for your promptly reply¡
I would like to know, in order to clarify absolutely my question, try again my question:
Nowadays I am working in a big fixture and in order to design it as fast as posible in the cases of a very similar pieces
in Catia exists the option "...
I would like to know the best way to copy a finished piece and broke the relationships with his father.
Unfortunately I still have a CATIA methodolgy...snif snif....
Thanks in advance for your support¡