Fire sprinklers are not included in the design. Our proposed tank size is 54000 litres [14245 gallons], as a source for the pump. The system is designed for a cement bagging factory.
Thanks for the info so far.
Thanks all.
the design comprises of a 6" ring main, with subsequent 4" pipes feeding the hydrants.
Hoses are directly connected to the hydrants for fighting fire.A total of ten 4" hydrants are used on the pipe network.
Hose sizes are 2-1/2". How can we appropriately size the fire pump? No use...
thanks for your reply. I meant three hoses connected to three different hydrants operating at the same time. Our pump gives out 1050 l/min at 100m head. Please do reply.
We are in the process of installing a fire hydrant system. Our client wants to know the output flowrate for three hose nozzles operating at the same time. Whats the best approach for this? Any tip is appreciated
Thanks everyone for your contributions. They were really an eye opener. I guess a detailed and more accurate cost analysis will involve good knowledge of the right of way, and current market price of materials.
My firm wants to build a gas pipeline, to supply a number of process plants. In my country, all gas pipelines belong to the national gas regulatory body. We proposed to build a pipeline in exchange for gas. Thus, there was need for both sides to come up with CAPEX estimates that would be agreed...
Fuel gas is readily available. We have secured an agreement with a gas utility in the region, which has abundant natural gas. I could say there is "plenty" to go round. But then fuel efficiency is also a concern. There is need to optimise fuel.
Power requirements are 24/7 for the plants, at...
thats an option my employers are willing to look at in the future. But now we are dealing with captive power generation.
We are currently in talks with a gas engine vendor on the possibility of using gas engines to generate 100MW. I have reservations on this though. Looking at...
I appreciate your reply. I guess peopla are paid for this sort of thing.But I would really appreciate any snippet of information for a headstart. This would make things easier when looking for a consultant.
@ waross
Thanks for your suggestion anyway. I guess one pays for this kind of thing. But I would still appreciate a little insight into the process of getting a load profile. Maybe a pinch of information would set me on the right track towards getting consultant help.
Please I am not conversant with electrical systems. But I was asked by a power plant vendor to provide an electrical load profile for a fertiliser plant to enable them to select an appropriate power plant configuration. How and where do I start from.
Please my organisation is intending to build an industrial park, that will consist of fertiliser, methanol and ethanol plants, with a combined power requirement of 100MW [redundancy included].
We are looking at gas power turbines as a power source. Currently, we need a 'best' plan for this...