I need to delete a lot of components and keep some of them. Is there any way to do this not one by one? like any way to delete only the selected components?
PS: I am using ANSYS 12.0
I need to use multipro command to get some input [below], when I put this in my input file, the following commands are executed and ANSYS does not wait for the user to hit either OK or CANCEL. I tried to use it in a macro but the macro does nothing, even it does not give any error. Any...
Is there any way that we can stop execution of an input file or series of commands?
I need to pause at 3 points of my program and ask the user to stop execution or continue, how can I do that?
I want to use characters s,r and a pretty much like what we have in lsel command or any other selection commands in a macro as the selection type using *if command.
With numbers it works well but I could not find any way to get it run with letters instead.
Here is a simple macro. If for...
I am calculating an array inside a macro but I cannot use it after execution of the macro because it is assumed to be a local variable. Is it possible that I import the variable to my input file and use it afterwards? (like a global variable)
Is it possible to join two straight lines which have the same direction (like a line divided into 2 parts)but they belong to different surfaces?
Thanks elogesh,
I need to extrude the meshed area with SOLID5 element to make a meshed volume (with SOLID5) Do you know any 2D element that I can do the same instead of PLANE42?
I have defined two areas and cannot mesh one of them. I defined a local coordinate system but still could not do that. Is there any way to mesh the other area? Here is the commands for the sake of ease:
thanks elogesh and structur71, here is the final version:
One or both of entered key points do not exist.
I created that, the only problem is that I cannot print the number of line (lnum), I don't know where my mistake is:
Multiple lines are between KP #%I and KP #%i...
but how can I make it parametric? like every time the user can give different numbers for KPs? In other words, we can use *ask command to get the KP numbers first and then the macro checks whether we have any line between these two KPs or not, if so it gives the line number if not it gives the...
I want to define a simple macro to extract the number of line between two given kp numbers,e.g.
if exist: the number of line between KP#1 and KP#5 is 7 (for example)
if does not exist: There is no line between KP#1 and KP#5 is 7
Is there anyone that can give me some clue on...
radius is the radius of the cylinder? in fact the solid is not a cylinder, it is an imperfect cone, meaning the radius of the upper face and lower face are a little bit different. So I think I have to use different radii.
The teeth have been skewed 9 degrees, so the angle should be for example...
you are right about VDRAG, I cannot use that because the cross sectional area of the teeth of the solid change, if they were constant I could define a path line and then I could extrude that but VDRAG cannot make that. Plus, defining the spiral path does not seem easy.
I need to sketch an imperfect cone solid model with skewed teeth around it with changing cross-sectional area. The only easier way is drawing the upper and lower cross section of the solid model and sweeping (not revolving) but unfortunately after much attempt I could not find a way to do...
How Can we get the number of a KP knowing its coordinates. e.g. when we create a rectangle with BLC4 it creates an area with 4 KP. Now we know the KP coordinates but how can we get the number of them?
I build a volume (volume #1), then I divide it into 2 volumes using working plane. ANSYS deletes volume number 1 and names the 2 new volumes as volume #2 and #3.
I want to delete one of the volumes but I don't want to check the number of volume and simply use VDELE command. I want to use a...
I need to change the background color of the screen to white (while it still shows the texts) for capturing photos purposes to print them afterwards. Is there any feature to do that easily?