I am having some trouble with derived part configs. I created a few derived configs of a default part config. Then I want to make additional features that should only be applicable to certain of these derived configs. The problem is: after I create a feature in a derived config, I have to go...
I am using SW01+ and am new to toolbox (TB). Presently, I am using TB to create a variety of structural steel square tubes.
I inserted several steel tubes of different sizes into an assembly and now I want to add different features to these tubes. Some of these features should be suppressed on...
I am trying to insert a hole in a part using Hole Wizard. But I get the error "Points to locate holes are not constrained". I already added all the dimensions to properlt locate the holes, so I am not sure what's going on. Your suggestions will be appreciated.
The toolbox tube I inserted into the assembly was indeed the first component placed in that assembly and therefore, it satisfies <b>CorBlimeyLimey</b>'s criteria 1). However, I still don't see (f) before it. The prefix (f) does appear if I delete this toolbox component and insert an arbitrary...
I inserted a Structural Steel component from the ToolBox in an assembly. Thereafter, I completely fixed this component by adding appropriate mates. However, I don't see prefix (f) before the name of this component in the featuremanager. Why could that be happening?
I just wanted to say a few words about this (and many other) forum(s). I started using forums like this one only a few months ago. I must say that I have benefitted immensely from their existence. I find it amazing how people are willing to spare their time for the benefit of other users (most...
Thanks SBaugh and Shaggy18VW.
Let me further clarify my original problem. I am making a frame out of HSS tube. Now I have already created a layout sketch in an assembly file. This layout sketch will determine the distance between the different tubes. So this is how I will control the distances...
I am using SW2001+. I am planning to start working on a large assembly that will contain significant amount of structural steel (in particular, HSS tube). Toolbox has a feature "Structural Steel" that I can use to make such tubes by selecting from the available sizes. SW creates the exact...
I am trying to design some clamps for a circular saw tube cutting machine. I need to figure out the cutting forces that are exerted on a circular tube so that I can design the clamps and avoid the tubes from spinning (a common problem in circular tube cutting).
I appreciate your help.
I tried to import a couple of STEP files into SW2001+ and I get this message:
Can't open the error log file
After this message, SW proceeds to parse and create the model. Finally, I get this message:
"Importing large assembly. Components will be imported and suppressed. Use Unsuppress to show...
I have a large assembly and sometimes I ccreate multiple instances of a small component (e.g. a fastener) by ctrl-dragging from the FeatureManager. But then I have a hard time finding where the newly created instance is. I have to rotate, pan, zoom several times to find it. Is there an...
I have a large assembly and I hid several of its components by selcting the individual components and selecting "Hide Component". Some of these components are inside other sub-assemblies. Now I want to show all the components the final assembly has. I have forgotten which components I hid and a...
That is exactly the problem - whenever, I select one hole and try to insert fastener into that hole only, Smart Fasneters puts bolts into both the holes automatically PLUS the bolt in the second hole is in the same orientation as the one in the first hole (they should be at 90 degrees). Further...
Inserting fasteners individually into each hole is probably not worth it. If I had a few holes, I wouldn't mind it but for 30-40 holes, it would take me forever. I am not sure if it is a bug in the program or I have made the parts incorrect...
Sorry for sounding so stupid, but I am a new user of Toolbox/Smart Fasteners. Suppose I want to add a M16x2 SHCS to my assembly (not to any particular hole). How do I do find this bolt and where do I drag it from?
Thanks MadMango and MElam. However, my problem stays. Let me quickly elaborate it. Since a chain is made up of several elements (link plate, roller, pin), I created all these components separately, then assembled them to create a "chain link". This chain link should be repeated around a curve...
I am referring to MadMango's post above "You should be able to pattern a part around a curve.". How do I do this? I know I can pattern a feature around a curve. But how do I pattern a part around a curve?
How do I add Toolbox parts (fasteners) into an assembly without using Smart Fasteners? I mean how do I add fasteners without having to specify a particular hole where I want it?