Hi all, I’ve got two questions.
Firstly when designing a beam for lateral torsional buckling I always thought you assume it buckled about its weakest axis (I.e. use Izz) even if it is loaded parallel to its strongest axis (the MCr equation uses Iz) Is this the case? As in the blue book the main...
Hi all,
I'm modelling a steel beam and and concrete composite floor (trying to find the load deflection curves). Now that I have specified the concrete and steel inelastic strains into the material, I get this error? Anybody know what it is? I've had a look online and i tried turning NLgeom on...
I have solved the 2nd error, now only the meshing error needs addressing, I've verified the mesh and there are only warnings but no errors. Seems strange why it won't run. I've tried to partition the concrete so that it's all green but i can't manage to, i think the shape is too complicated - I...
I clicked the top option and managed to get a mesh that kind of worked. However when I run the model I get two errors, these are shown in the 2nd picture below. I think the first one is about the mesh (Volume of 18 elemnts is zero small or negative) Should I make sure all the partitions of each...
Thanks, I've now managed to get yellow and green for my beam I deleted the partitioning around the holes and it seems to look better??
I'm still struggling to get the same for the concrete slab part of the design, as you can see the slab is awkward shape, this is because its cast against the...
Hi all,
Currently trying to mesh my A-symmetric beam properly using C3D8R elements, I know that i'm supposed to add partitions to improve the mesh so I've partitioned the holes in the beam. Is this how it is supposed to look like? shouldn't all of the beam be either pink or green?
I have blocked all the different parts in XYZ directions and increase the reduced the increment in my amplitude table of loads and still give the same errors.
Any idea?
Yes embedded region was used for the rebar, I constrained the ends of the rebar in two directions (not 3) should this be enough?
I'll look into doing eigenfrequency extraction analysis is this hard?
So I cut the beam in half and applied a symmetric boundary condition, good news it works! (under 250,000 nodes).
I have got a lot of errors, I think my beam mesh is wrong, I have used Hex elements and meshed the whole thing without partitions as partitioning would be hard with all the holes...
Hi all,
I have a question,
how can I reduce the number of nodes that I have for my model. It's quite a large beam (7.2m long with a 1m wide slab) and it says I have exceeded the 250,000 node limit and can't run it. Someone mentioned that I may be able to mirror it and thus cutting out half...
Hi all,
I am wanting to simulate a structural four point bending test on Abaqus of a slim floor composite section, I've assigned a amplitude table with all the loads at different times, however when I assign a load to the two loading plates at mid-span It won't let me just pick the amplitude...
3 of the 4 sides of my slab have boundary conditions (one of which is ENCASTRE i.e. fixed in all directions), and the other is left as a free end, so you're saying this needs a boundary condition also? or are you talking about the rebar (beams)? I have not set and boundary conditions for the...
Thanks for your reply, it is greatly appreciated.
I have gone through your points, I have separated the layer of rebar from each other, and still have the same problem. Not quite sure what you mean but connect beam parts at a node, because they shouldn't meet (because they are spaced equally...