Hi there, we currently have a HP plotter and I do not like it. I suggest you try to find a comparable OCE (if they are still around). The OCE plotter/scanner we used to have was absolutely incredible. Good Luck!
Sorry for the delay, the studies I have reviewed have been all sand bed channels. I suggest you look at the potential bed forms that will form in your storm event. Maybe research bed forms. I still use my text book from college: Sediment Transport Theory and Practice by: Chih Ted Yang...
Great Question. It depends on the bed material and resulting bedforms. If your bed is rigid then I would run the mixed regime; ie.: roadway pavement or concrete channel type. Now if you have a sand bed channel, there are a number of white papers and studies showing that a sand bed channel will...
Few questions:
1- Is this a regulatory model?
2- Why not modify specific area and run entire model? This approach can provide additional information for upstream and downstream tie-in points from hydraulic structures, especially provide opportunity in overbank storage if modifications are...
Just when you are laying out the control consider the field layout... I often hear the expletives from contractors in the field. If you have a logical control the surveyor can easily establish the field control.
Curious, does that table assume 100% saturation? I recommend involving the geotechnical engineer to document the saturated under water stable slope in their sealed report. That is how we approach design of retention/detention basins.
Hi T-Jay, I would first consult your design requirements for the approving agency. Second, If no design requirements then consider minimum self scouring velocity in my area that value is 2-2.5 ft/sec which translate to 0.6 - 0.75 m/sec. One can use a nomograph or Manning's Eqn. to compute the...
It is unlikely that the culverts and ditch will impede/attenuate the runoff enough to change your computed flow rate. Typically, the only time we address items in the watershed is if there are regional or large detention basins; which will attenuate the inflow to the basin. I would say ignore...
I agree with HY-8 this would be a good way to compute the culvert hydraulics. I would add that in lieu of a hydrologic study to determine the runoff flowrate, one can assess the current wooden box based on a specific headwater elevation and make sure you provide the same culvert capacity for...
Interesting topic, I know i am a bit late but FYI:
We like to pin to the outlet of the culvert so if there is erosion or settlement it stays connected to the outlet. We have used stainless or galvanized eyes anchored into the concrete at the top of cut-off wall or bottom of wingwall, etc... We...
Can you get photos of the SNOUT? Refer to this website: https://bmpinc.com/ are these the same? If yes then you can approximate inverts based on their standard details.
First off, lets address the required volume for detention and how that is regulated. Are your requirements to meet pre-project conditions (Balanced Basin Approach) or and overall decrease in outflow (Critical Basin Approach)from your site. Have you computed the pre vs post project hydrographs...
My recommendation would be to hire a planner to address the "pros" and "cons" for your site.
They would even be able to provide a sketch of the site with your development.