We manufacture large process equipment. We have some that will be going to Europe. As such it has been determined that we should follow EN 1090-2. Part of the structural framing is stainless steel. EN 1090-2 stipulates that stainless should conform to EN 10088-4 or EN 10088-5. I need 25mm thick...
Thanks for the replies. Looks like we'll probably be buying this overseas, building it in the US and then sending it back across the pond. What a waste of resources!
The plate provider would have to certify that this meets EN 10025 S235SJR and CE stamp it. I understand that A36 is very similar, maybe even considered the same, but without proper documentation our European client is not going to accept it. I'm looking for a US company that can do this. It's...
Does anyone know if metric size plate conforming to EN 10025 S235SJR can be purchased from a supplier in the US? It would also need to be CE stamped.
It would be nice if the plate were at least 2.5M wide but we'll take what we can get.
ReDim nodesList(nNodes-1) As Long
before openSTAADObj.Geometry.GetNodeList nodesList()
You also need your For-Next loop to go to nNodes not nNodes-1.
I'm assuming you know you can just copy and paste the STAAD nodes table into a spreadsheet.
Does anyone know if there is an English translation of Comisión Federal de Electricidad – Manual de Diseño de Obras Civiles - Capítulo C.1.4 Diseño por Viento –2020 and Capítulo C.1.3 Diseño por Sismo? If so, where can I purchase it/them?
I'm not sure if those are two chapters within the same...
I think this is pretty much pie in the sky, but I had to give them something. The various levels will have grating so we're not too worried about snow. I gave them a very high number for wind. I did tell them extreme northern latitudes (I guess southern for that matter) have their own issues...
These would be permanent. This is a request from sales so they have no idea what 70%. About the best they can do is narrow it down to several continents.
Looking for the worst case is the crux of my question. With all the codes worldwide and lack of data that I can found outside the U.S., it's...
The reason it's not in the database is these are user defined rectangular sections. Jed is right, the dimensions are 16" x 0.75" and 9" x 1". I wouldn't call them plate though and risk confusing them with plate elements. These properties are for beam elements. You're also going to need their...
If you were told to design a process module than could be plunked down pretty much any place in 70% of the livable land mass of the world, what seismic criteria would you use? I'm in the U.S. so I picked some S1 and Ss values along with risk category III and site class E that would allow it to...
Edward1, you may still want to post this on Structural Engineering general discussion. I would be very interested to hear what concrete experts have to say about this. I'm a steel designer so I have no knowledge but it seems extreme to me.
Thanks Hturkak. Your second figure does a good job of explaining what they mean by number of sides supported. So in that figure, the a and b dimensions shown would be for checking P3, right?
Hturkak, thanks for the response. So it sounds like I don't have the notion of number sides supported right but I still don't get what the variables a, b, and d1 are. Could you sketch them on my drawing. Thanks.
In section 8.6 of SP 16.13330.2017, they have some equations for moments in the base plate. I'm using an English translation. They actually call them bearing plates. Anyway, this refers you to Table F.2 to get the alpha values that you plug into the equations. This in turn has three variables...