Take some measurements with an infra red based non-contact system (or thermal imaging, whatever) while rotating - record them.
Take some more measurements with a contact based system stationary - record those too.
Graph the two methods against each other.
You might find that the non-contact...
From my understanding, BS 3643 is based the suite of ISO standards, so much so from my experience that I'd go so far to say it just paraphrases them.
I don't know if this is my having worked for a "European" companies for so long in the past, but if BSI has adopted and published the ISO...
I've never used it on my resume but it has gone into my Chartership (UK) application. Which I still need to submit.
I've not been specific about it other than use it as an example of participating in professional development and the promotion of mechanical engineering.
I don't have a great deal of experience with the design of automotive braking systems but I do own a car without ABS.
If I stand hard enough on the brakes to lock the wheels, the front wheels will lock first - this means that in a locked wheel scenario, I continue travelling in whatever...
I've been in and out. Currently I'm working on safety justifications; almost all of it is explaining why something is safe, because x. Then writing wordy reports to convince the regulator that it is safe. It absolutely requires an "engineer" to comprehend but is in no way "engineering".
The last few exhaust gaskets I've purchased have all been made of what appeared to be recycled soft drink cans, the outer surfaces were shiny but the inner layers definitely had coloured print and 'ingredients' listed on them.
Worth noting that these were post-catalyst gaskets, the cooler end...
I worked at an engineering consultant's once. I understood what field of engineering I was going in to, and what work I would be doing. What I didn't realise was that 90% of it would be on a secondment to another company, where I had already interviewed, and decided that I didn't want to work...
I've had all kinds of job titles. Design Engineer, Tooling Engineer, Instrumentation Engineer (Mechanical), Manufacturing Engineer.
I just call myself "Engineer" now. I'll replace that with "Senior Engineer" once I'm Chartered. Until then, who am I to determine if I'm senior or not, I don't...
I've seen 100-150 determined as being the threshold at various places; but it's all hand waving. I've had FMEAs throw an 80 that I wasn't happy with and wasn't a challenge to reduce, so it got reduced.
RPN is a tool to rank things against each-other, not to determine what you need to work on...
The worst the would happen might be that the connection leaks if they experience differential expansion / contraction and you get some diesel on the floor.
If they seize through galvanic corrosion, you might have to apply some extra force to separate them again.
I had couple of stainless steel...
I clearly don't exactly know what problem you're trying to solve, but I went through the Impact Load problem some years ago. I eventually decided to give in and just added a rubber bump stop and let time tell if it was going to work or not.
If you've got to justify something, or can't accept...
Horizontal mill or maybe a slitting saw on a vertical mill - Use the table to traverse the cut across otherwise you'll get a radius on the bottom of the slit.
Check speeds and feeds for your grade of Inconel, it's a pain, don't attempt it with blunt tooling.
It really depends who you're aiming at getting business from. You'll get nothing from large companies because they'll work to ISO 9001 and will require their supply chain do the same. Mid-sized companies will likely also exclude non ISO 9001 as often they're in the supply chain for a large...
You can attempt to shoot the whole component if it's small enough. Pipe welds are often shot at an angle (45° for example) with the source one side and the plate the opposite side. It gives an oval image of the entire weld but you might get depth of field issues with some of the image out of...
If the cracking you're looking for is surface breaking, why would you not penetrant test?
If you can't put a plate inside the assembly, can you not put the plate outside and the source inside (it'll be gamma rays not x-rays but still RT)?
Similar method to Bob's but on large forgings.
Soak a known clean white cloth in acetone (tend to buy both of these consumables in with a certificate of cleanliness rather than filter / clean them) and take swabs of the material surface, inspect the cloth for debris / staining.
You'll need a...
No need to try too hard really. As RobWard suggested, use a key.
You can have the key on the crane remote, with a lanyard to the operator so they don't forget it (and with an ID number on the key so you know who left it in). You can key the crane power supply if you want to limit it to times of...
ISO 17635:2016 states the following "The testing should be carried out after completion of all required heat treatments."
In practice, and to ensure that PWHT time isn't wasted on a flawed weld, sample NDE can be done on sections of the weld in advance of PWHT - It depends how long your PWHT...
My background is machine design and instrumentation but I'm currently working on pressure vessel design/manufacture and plant life extension. It definitely crosses into structural engineering at times - maybe not so much civil. I do however come across a not-insubstantial amount of novel welding...