Hi Dave,
can you tell me how? I am doing it in the Abaqus CAE (not with input file), and it will always give me the warning that sets and surfaces are not imported. And indeed they are always gone after importing.
Hey Guys,
I have an ABAQUS Model, where I want to constrain 2 parts together (a thin metal plate and a U shaped piece of metal). Before I can do that, I have to bend the metal plate, so it fits into the U-shaped part. During this deformation the 2 parts should not be constrained together. After...
Got it guys. When importing deformed parts and putting Predefined Fields (Initial State) on them some Node/Element Sets are not imported. Its necessary to redefine most of them after importing.
Hi guys,
I have a problem with analyzing in Abaqus. I want to put two already analyzed (deformed and with residual stresses) plates into one unanalyzed U-Part like the following picture.
The little yellow circles are the tie constrains between the deformed plates and the U-Part. I imported...
Hi guys,
I want to put together two parts from two different Abaqus models. One of the parts was analyzed and now has residual stresses and deformations. I want want to assemble this deformed part with its residual stresses to the other part. Therefore I wrote restart data from the original...
Hey Dave,
thanks for the answer. I was not able to do it in the input file, because my syntax was always wrnog. However *IMPORT in the Abaqus documentation showed my eventualy the way how to do it in the CAE. In the analyzed modell I went to Step modul->Output->Restart Requests. There I put a...
I can only help you with the second question. You should create a set in your part first (expand "part" in the menu and double click "sets" ). Make it a node set and chose the node you want to apply the cforce on later. The you go to loads and when you are at the Point of your second...
Hi guys,
I am quite new to Abaqus, so this should be an easy one I hope.
I have two different finished models in Abaqus. The one is an airfoil (without any analyzing) and the other one is a thermally cured fiber reinforced rectangular plate. I performed one analyze step on this plate, in...