Hi all,
I wrote a VBA macro in MSP to insert a column (TaskColumn Flag20) to display specific indicator. It works well except that it creates the column each time I open the project file. Hence I am looking for a way to check if the column exists and is visible when opening file to disable...
Dim FilePath, FileName, FileSearch As String
FilePath = "V:\ERP-doc\Doc archive"
FileName = Dir(FilePath & "\*.pdf")
FileName = CStr(FileName)
For ligne = 1 To 400
FileSearch = Left(Range("B" & ligne).Value, 14)
Do While (FileName...
I would say that I suspect Visual Basic macro to be the sole solution as I never heard/saw about this.
I know you can export to Excel for sure but I wouldn't bet you can easily import from it.
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager
MSP 2003 is a bad piece of software so far with regards to performances. MSP 2003 Server is a little bit better but still it has poor performances (We also use both of them at office).
I heard that MSP 2007 is alot better on this topic.
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager
In a perfect tool, you shall have the ability to modify your local or your online data as you wish and be able to synchro both of them in both ways (online <> offline). Not to mention the fact it shall be multiusers, which I am aware of, would make it alot more difficult.
Cyril Guichard
Hi babynus,
Sorry, but it wasn't me proposing to make an Open Office add-on, it was PeterStock :)
I'll have a look at your link. Does your offline version offer synchro with your online version?
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager
huh, sounds like a huge project you know? but I like the idea as I've been looking for this kind of solution for awhile as well.
I'd be glad to help for anything related to alpha-beta testing and so on.
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager
you guys oversea are really questionning about this matter. in my company, as long as I do -at minima- my 40 paid hours a week, no matter if it is 5 x 8 or any other arrangement. so I for sure can leave at 3 on monday, long as I put the 2 missing hours anywhere else in my week.
And even if I...
Since I usually perform 45/50 hours a week and am paid for only 40, I don't bother much asking me this kind of question and leave earlier if needed
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager
Well, Excel is programmed in such a way that if you move a cell which is referenced elsewhere in a formula, then the formula is automatically updated. That's the way it works. One has to admit it can be kind of useful to avoid updating formulaes each time we make a change on our spreadsheet.
Why don't you use a for loop? something like :
For changeCell = 1 To 10
changeCell.GoalSeek Goal:=seekValue, changingCell:=changeCell.Offset(0, -4)
seekValue = seekValue + (seekValue * Inflation)
End For
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager
One thing I notice though amoung all your statements, to which i give alot of credit by the way, is that the master tradesman you're all looking for may not be as far as you think, as there is alot of competence amid people in this forum.
If you are like me, you probably feel lower than those...
as it sates "temperature rise", it means that your temperature increase is acceptable up to 140°C (delta temperature between min and max)
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager
K stands for Kelvin. Typically, 1°K = 1°C, just that 0°K is absolute zero in °C, i.e. -273 °C. Look for Kelvin in Wikipedia.
Cyril Guichard
Defense Program Manager