As the fabricator of a vessel(Drum).We finished it and the data report is signed by our comes the engineer wanting to add an attachment clip. Its still in our shop. Is this a routine repair that requires an R stamp? Secondly, Is it reasonable to wave the re-hydro after welding on the...
A vendor declined to bid on 2-1/4 Cr vessel because they say they've had too many cracking issues in the past. Does anyone have experience with this material 1" to 3" thick? Issues such as weldability, cracking, HIC, delayed HIC, Pre-heat sensitivity, PWHT issues etc... If so what...
Thanks Metengr.
I just want to be sure footed and not create a worse problem by over working the metal.
BTW We are at a crossroads with these thermowells and need to decide to either continue with the weld-in type or switch to flanged type we have had some cracks in the welds in the Hydrogen...
Appreciate the response Mike. These spools are installed and not likely going to be disected for destructive testing. That being said...if the historical evidence of this situation indicate failure of "Some Kind" is likely, then replacement of all the spools affected may be in order. Due to...
The vendor is fabricating P11 and P22 piping. Spools are placed in an oven for PWHT so the whole part. Afterwards they installed weld-in type thermowells so a second local PWHT was done. Now I find the welds on the thermowells in this B-31.3 piping were installed as a fillet welds and not full...
Yes DMW is Dissimilar Metal Welding.
Like Metengr said technique is likely as much the culprit as anything. Does anyone know when the temp limitations on DMW with 309 came about?
Other threads have approached the subject and in my case a client used 309 filler metal to weld about 25 different 316ss Thermowells in crude and reformer sections of their refinery. Some lines are CS and others are 1-1/4cr and 2-1/4cr. They have lots of cracking issues after startup and first...
Brimstoner...Vickers or other hardness tests are ok as results can convert to BHN. I choose to sample a cross section of base metal away from the haz, in the haz and of the weld. Its a preference thing that gives me an snap shot of the entire cross section. And taken on the side that is in the...
Do you think it reasonable to ask the vendor to prove up the PWHT effectiveness with brinells (I prefer from the process side) on these 2-1/2" to 3-1/2" thk reactor vesels (SA-387-11 CL2) Otherwise all I have is a chart.
Where can I find the requirements for hardness testing of vessels after PWHT and/or the maximum hardness values of various metals typical to pressure vessel fabrication (P4, P5 etc..)
Appreciate the feedback, however I am loosing on this one because our engineering dept agrees with the vendor that the exception is part based on the attachment being P8 material and welded with 309. I still don't get that warm fuzzy because the code isn't specific enough in the...