We had the opportunity to trial that thing for a week.
Pretty expensive paperweight in my opinion.
The buttons are so wicked stiff that it litterally hurts by the end of the day. The position of the buttons on the left side is less than ideal. In my opinion this is the result of an designer...
John, thank you for the detailed instructions!
Will the way you described work to transfer the setting from a 32bit to 64bit installation and vice versa?
Well, the subject says it all. I want to copy the basic settings, like toolbars, preferences etc to another machine.
Is there a way to carry everything over? Maybe even between an 32bit and an 64bit NX installation?
So far I found the folder with the user.mtx but it seems to contain only the...
is it possible in NX7 to display more than one file at once in the same nx session?
I expected that opening two files and selecting tile horizontally/vertically from the window menu would show both parts in separate windows inside the main nx window but it does not.
Am I missing...
Hi Didier,
happy to hear you like it.
And yes, most likely you would need a different patch programm for every version of NX assuming that the affected dll changes.
I still hope that a later NX version might gives us more options regarding the cursor style and the "selection ball" radius...
Hi Didier,
well, the error message says it all. You have another version of the file installed, so the patch refuses to modify the file. I made the patch based on NX7 32bit with MP2 installed. It works only on exactly the same original dll.
In the end I have now the arrow cursors I wanted. I was able to locate the cursors in the file windowsui.dll and changed all cursors that seemed to correspond to the "small radius" cursor group with my own versions. The dynamic behaviour of the cursor is still there.
In case anybody wants to...
Thanks for the tips. I already played around with the different radius settings. The thing is that I'm used to a "sharp" cursor instead of the circle. I'm sure with some more time it will feel more natural, still I think that the arrow I'm used from other CAx is easier to use simply because you...
Thanks for the clarification.
I'm still new to nx and find it difficult to select small objects because they are mostly covered by the beefy cursor (e.g. points in the sketcher). I know, using the selection filter solves the problem but initially it seems complicated (at least for an nx...
is there a way to change the shape of the mouse cursor in NX7? I had a look at the various settings but so far I only found option to change the radius of the cursor.
I would love to have an arrow shape instead of the reticle.
The problem is kind of solved so I thought it could be of use to other to know what was going on:
It is a problem with standby/hibernating of the machine. If the computer was once in one of these power saving modes since the last regular boot the problem happens. Stanby+Resume and the frame...
The space navigator and it's driver/software do not interface with the graphics hardware. NX is always in between and applies the motion to the viewport. The big question is why it results in exactly 40 updates per second. Either the 3DConnexion driver does not respond faster (unlikely...
Thank you John. Unfortunately I already played with the options you mentioned without any success.
It's weird, the framerate is spot-on and without any variation 40fps when moving the 3d mouse and 60fps using the normal mouse.
I thought that it could be an algorithm inside nx that the polls...
I noticed that when I change the view with the space navigator the movement appeared somehow jerky.
Further investigation using a software that shows the framerate of DirectX/OpenGL viewports (FRAPS) shows that when rotating/panning with the normal mouse I get exactly the desired 60fps...