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  1. spongebob007

    Converting Time domain data to Frequency domain.

    A shock repsonse spectrum is not the same as an FFT. A shock response spectrum can be thought of as the maximum absolute response of a series of single degree of freedom oscillators to a given base motion. Try doing a google search on shock response spectrum calculation. Another thing to keep...
  2. spongebob007

    A couple of questions about applying for an internal position

    After reviewing my resume I did decide to update it a bit but not go crazy. Since it is a management job, I toned down the specifics of my technical competencies and put more emphasis on things like leadership, collaboration, talent growth, communication, and driving the business. I was also the...
  3. spongebob007

    A couple of questions about applying for an internal position

    In the last week an opportunity came up here at work that I think would be excellent for my career. Per company procedure, I need to apply for the job through the company website. So my first question is this: Do I need to put a lot of effort into polishing up my resume and tailoring it to...
  4. spongebob007

    Neglecting Fan Heat Dissipation in Electroncis Enclosure Analysis?

    These are DC fans, so with my limited EE understanding I am assuming P=VA is it. When speaking of actual power (dissipation) I mean Q_loss=efficiency*P_input rather than simply assuming 0% efficiency. At the end of the day, neither approach has meaningful impact on the downstream temperature...
  5. spongebob007

    Force Convection Heat Transfer

    I will also agree that this is one that is better solved experimentally. One very simple method of calculation, and it MIGHT be okay for initial estimates is to use the lumped capacitance method. Basically the lumped capacitance method assumes that for the transient heating or cooling of a...
  6. spongebob007

    Neglecting Fan Heat Dissipation in Electroncis Enclosure Analysis?

    I have always included the power dissipated by the fans in thermal calculations and CFD models of electronics enclosures. Recently I had a customer ask me to justify why I assumed that the fans dissipate 100% of the input power as heat in the CFD model I did of their system. So I sat down and...
  7. spongebob007

    Career Advice for New Grad

    It's a job, not a life sentence. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If you don't like it, you will have the luxury of earning a paycheck while looking for another job. I also think it is much easier to find a job when you are working as opposed to when you are not. Over the course...
  8. spongebob007

    Value of Young Engineer

    Here is how raises work in most companies: At the beginning of the year your boss is given a department budget for salaries that factor in raises. How much he/she gets for raises will depend on how the company is doing, so your boss only has a finite amount of raise money to go around. The...
  9. spongebob007

    Mech Eng and EEE which one has more calculations??

    If you like to do math, instead of focusing on which discipline of engineering has more math you should look into the types of jobs and fields where engineers are more likely to do the kind of work you are interested in and what type of education you will need to get there. As far as the...
  10. spongebob007

    Annual Goals

    Maybe this is a conversation you should be having with your boss when you sit down for your review.
  11. spongebob007

    options for compensation for travel

    "Trying to guess how much travel there will be and adjust my salary expectations when looking at a new job is difficult" It's not difficult. I frequently see ads on job boards that tell candidates approximately how much travel the job involves. If it's not listed in the ad, surely you can...
  12. spongebob007

    Vendor Facility Tour - Conflict of Interest if Transport Included?

    This isn't so much about trusting your gut as getting a clear understanding of what your company policy is in matters like these. I used to work in private industry and on many occasions I would be taken out to lunch by vendors, given gifts by vendors/customers, even had a customer let me use...
  13. spongebob007

    Thin-Solid Meshing / Bending and Membrane Stresses

    If you are looking to get membrane and bending stresses, I don't understand why you don't just use shell elements.
  14. spongebob007

    Contact in frequency response analysis

    The best (most accurate) approach would be to run a non-linear transient analysis.
  15. spongebob007

    Avoid Job Hopping

    "You are job-hopping. You need to stop job-hopping or you will be labelled as someone who won't stay because they bore easily- nobody wants to hire and sink training resources into people who won't stay. You need to follow the advice given here and find something to apply your technical skills...
  16. spongebob007

    Should low level engineers write programs for office use?

    "Should I contribute programming skills to the firm in writing programs that can be used by all the engineering staff?" Maybe. Is this programming part of your normal job duties or does it go above and beyond? Are the programs you will be writing in support of a particular job, or are they...
  17. spongebob007

    Boundary Conditions for A Structure With Bolted Attachments

    In both cases where the boundary conditions were questioned, the structure was modeled with thin shell elements. The attachment points on my structure are through holes, and there are either blind tapped holes in the foundation the structure attaches to or through holes with a bolt and a nut...
  18. spongebob007

    Boundary Conditions for A Structure With Bolted Attachments

    Let's say I am designing a structure that is bolted to something else. I am interested in finding the stresses in my structure, but I don't care about the stresses in the something else it is attached to. Let's say for example I am designing a cantilever beam that has a flange at the end where...
  19. spongebob007

    looking to start an engineering consulting firm. However got some important questions

    If I were looking to hire a consultant to do FEA work, why would I pay the kind of money consultants charge to someone who was right out of school and had no practical work experience? Also having studied FEA in graduate school myself, there is a big disconnect between solving simple FEA...
  20. spongebob007

    Single DOF spring-mass-dashpot system excited by half-sine wave shock pulse

    What kind of damping values are you looking at? For lightly damped systems, say less than 10%, damping has a very small effect on the maximum shock response. In the Harris book as well as "Vibration Analysis for Electronic Equipment" by Dave Steinberg, the shock response spectra for a single...